Depressed Beyond Mention...

I've been really, like I don't even know, down. Might be worse than when I was in college. At least I had goals to accomplish there. Or rather, deadlines to meet to keep me going. But I don't even...

I'm considering dropping out of PGR, but I'm not for certain, yet. I'm working on an entry for the Halloween contest, but I don't think I'll be able to do one for both my gijinka. Really, I'd like to have this house to myself for a whole week so I can curl up in a ball and sleep for a whole day. Although, I'd probably begin to starve, so I can't sleep for a whole day...

Tomorrow my friends kidnapping me to take me out and do random stuff. I don't know if it'll make me feel better, but I feel whatever good it does will just get sucked out of me as soon as I get back here... Home shouldn't be a place you don't enjoy being, it should be a place of comfort and rest...

Next weekend is Youmacon, so that'll be something. I'm helping to do a panel on Korean manga. First panel, assiting or otherwise, so hope I do ok.

I don't feel like doing the dishes tonight... I don't feel like doing anything. Please stop expecting things of me and let me become an unmoving, anthropomorphic being in peace... *curls into a ball*
