Yep, now that the new month's begun, I'm back =3 However, I do realize, I should spend less time online because sometimes I just end up sitting with the internet on and I'm not even doing anything... So Even though I'll still come on daily, I won't be on practically 24/7. Plus, Me sitting in front of my laptop with the internet going is distracting me from drawing or stuff XD; Lolz
I have fanart to upload, but I only have one completely done, so I'll wait till I finish the other one before I upload. So I can at least have two things to put up at once. X3 While I've gotten back to drawing, it is still difficult to sit in front of the laptop for hours and draw... I think it's because staring too long messes with my head or somethin... At any rate, I'm gonna take a nap and then get back to the other thingy, and if I'm lucky, i'll be able to upload both later tonight =3
Happy to be back with you guys =^_^= Mata ne~ =D