Feeling Blah... =TAT=

I'm feeling down and misdirected. I wondering what direction my life is heading. I don't know the right people or what words to say or even how to carry myself to get me to the places I want or need to be. I feel like a worthless lump of coal. I can't sleep right, I can't eat right, I can't even bring myself to do manga (though I want to). I really don't know if what I have to offer will make a difference. Though I should apologize to Tifa-chan... you show appreciation for what I do frequently, so thank you for that. However... when it comes to making money, I'm not even on the same planet. I've tried getting a job, but have been turned away repeatedly. I even knew someone who worked at a place that is supposedly easy to get hired at, but they didn't bother to give me a callback. I found out later that two 17-year-olds were hired instead of me. I just don't give off a positive prescence. When it comes to community service, I don't worry because I''m already there and can't really be fired (I'd have to do something terrible to get that)

Well... I'm gonna stop whining now. Well, at least on here. I uploaded a new fanart. It's a request for bratstar. Hope you like it!

Well, time to go. Night night.
