I think I'm ready to start trying to get to know attractive Asian men/boys... Like, I've got this obsession or something and I feel like I should date one to finally disperse all the fear and misillusions... like I REALLY want to SERIOUSLY date an Asian guy and it's been driving me crazy. I don't know, maybe it's these anti-depressant meds or somethin... But like, even without that, if I went my whole life without even trying, I'd be like "what if?" and it would drive me bonkers. I mean, I'm too chicken to even talk to normal people, but with an attractive asian guy it'd be all "Hrmlflmlblargh you liek chocolate?" XD;
But in all seriousness, guys, if you know any Asian guys between the ages of 23 and 29 who wanna get to know a 25-year-old black girl (with a white-ish mind XD) please lemme know. I'm a total chicken, but I gotta try to take steps, y'know. This'll drive me crazy until I'm able to do so comfortably =X_X;=
Be a pal? =D