Progressing Progressing...

Yes, the game is done (PC version) and I think the Android version is done... I'm in the progress of uploading to Google Play for beat testing. On DLSite, they accepted my circle and I submitted the game for review, so that'll take a week or two. After I upload to google, I'll download it to my phone and see if it works. Then I will make my secret link available to GOG so they can see the game (cuz it's gonna take some time for them to approve it, but I don't want to release the game before the release date) and decide if it's alright for their site.

I really hope my workaround for Google Play achievements worked cuz I wouldn't know what to do otherwise. Suppose I could set the code to a persistent variable that's originally set to "None." ... *rubs chin* This is more coding than I thought I'd be doing in my life.

This is going to be a VERY busy week... Since it's the holiday week, Wednesday and Friday are going to be CRAZY busy at work, Thanksgiving is on Thursday (what else is new?) and my birthday is on Saturday =@_@= And I STILL haven't started on Christmas gifts! D8> *internal and external screaming*

Ahhhhhhhhh... Soon, though, soon I can watch my baby fly off into the world that is the Internet... =TTwTT/= *waves tearily* I'm gonna need a vacation after all this... XD;
