Things aren't like how they were several years ago when I was more active. I realized how many people were reading my stuff back then going through all my OCs for inktober. It made me feel touched, but also a bit sad. Since I dropped art for a long time when the pressure of everything started getting to me, eventually people moved on. And I can't blame them for it because everyone has their own lives to live.
Still, it's a bit sad to realize that it's going to take a lot of work to get back my reader base. I've cemented my place in most active because of my past activity, but the audience has changed and they aren't interested in what I have to offer in my fanart. On the plus side, my recent activity has gained me more attention on deviantArt. Perhaps not money-making levels, but it's nice to see interest generate.
While looking for references for Day 24's drawing, I discovered 5 pages of Kitty Days I never uploaded. I'm going to scan them and upload them here only. However, the next time I do anything with Kitty Days, it'll most likely be for a revamp.
In the meantime, those who have stuck around, take a look at my Inktober drawings so far. And please don't hesitate to comment if you have a moment. The silence around here... kinda makes me sad and lonely =^__^;=