I WON!!!

Okay, maybe not first place, but I still won that contest! The results were announced a little later because they couldn't decide how to narrow it down so they included an extra winner or two! I get a Castlevania Figurine! I hope it's an Isaac one. =^_^= Speaking of which, that fanart that I put in the fanart section "Skin and Bones" is the one that got me in! Ehehe. =^v^= They want me to put the fanart up on the Tokyopop site! I would've already, but... well... I haven't. =^_^;= I have to fill out a form before I can claim my prize. Tee hee. This is technically my first Tokyopop contest I've won. Actually, now that I think of it, it's the first contest I entered there that wasn't random drawing but actually drawing something (did that make sense?). To put it shortly, I've never done a drawing for a Tokyopop contest before. *beams*

I've been drawing Kitty Days pages (I currently have three inked and am working on the fourth). Unfortunately, today my scanner/printer is not feeling well. I hope I can get it running again because I need it to do schoolwork as well as manga. =TToTT= I hope it will feel better soon.

Thanks to those who have stuck around to look at my artwork and manga. =^_^= Especially Tifa-chan. Luv ya, Tiff! =^_^= I'm actually feeling a bit pumped up and getting more drawing done even unconciously, but I wish I could draw all day and not have to worry about homework. I've been rereading The Demon Ororon and I want to do some Ororon fanart.

Hope you all are doing quite well. =^_^= Have an excellent day, mkay?
