
My name is Kelley (Previously Amber)
I'm returning member and have been offline for over a year now. Please kind as I'm readjusting into this lovely site.

My terrible Looks:


Apparently my little college town is suppose to get 8-12 inches of snow. That is quite unheard of here seeing as we are slightly too south for that. I mean we get snow and all but the prairie is a little south for that much. So I might be stuck home tomorrow instead of school which sucks cause I had to skip Friday so I could be told that I don't qualify for insurance through this one place. Oh well I suppose. Snow is just the weathers way of saying slow down and enjoy life. And maybe I will. After all I've still got some firsts to complete. lol I've gotten some goodish ones out of the way. Romance is a tricky game. Who knows maybe the guy in my psych class will finally get me to settle. He's a cutie for sure. But man does that jerk have me.

I know you guys don't care about this crappy love life of mine, but this helps me sort it all out. Alright, Love you guys.

unknown illnesses piling up

Hahaha I don't even know whats wrong with me at this point.

i guess not

So i disappeared last time cause i... i was sick. got back on thinking okay well maybe its under control now. definitely wrong. shortness of breath after walking a distance i can normally do just fine. i got half way across campus and was so light headed i almost collapsed. sadly this kinda stuff happens a lot but its been so long since the last episode. i just hope nothing serious cause my family's brushing it off like ts nothing. the perks of a failing body. please be my lungs not my heart again.... or the other option

I fixin it

So my best friend's girl broke up with her in a rather ridiculous way, and so she's upset. But you know what I've got this. I bought her a chocolate rose, mug with a stuffie and a card. This is why we friends. Because we're always there for each other. I fixin it.

Avoiding this paper...

I'm being my usual self and not walking to write this paper for English which is due tomorrow.... And I have to print at home or pay to print so, LOOKS LIKE AN ALL NIGHTER! This ought to be fun.

Though many of you probably don't get on much or are ignoring my existence I miss you.