
My name is Kelley (Previously Amber)
I'm returning member and have been offline for over a year now. Please kind as I'm readjusting into this lovely site.

My terrible Looks:


Okay yeah, you can guess from the title, I'm back. Yay. Sorry for disappearing a lot.


1: Club activities

2: Band

3: 11 siblings!!! (Only three are older...to many small children TT_TT)

4: Mother volunteering me for stuff, (face painting, babysitting, etc)


Family VS Wicca

Well, my day was great. I finally told my aunt that I'm a Wiccan. But! Because she is a bible lover, and "Thou shall not suffer Witchcraft," bullshit, she is trying to shove the bible down my throat. I as would be expected am PISSED!!!

And just to state this. Wiccans do NOT believe in SATAN or HEAVEN, or HELL. So! The upside down Pentagram is not a wiccan sign. It belongs to the satanists. Not us.

Wiccans are not evil. We don't worship trees and shit. We worship the God and Goddess. Who we see in the plants as Christians see God in the cross. That is that.

We do not harm others if we follow the Wiccan Law.


Which means that, as long as we don't harm anyone we can do what the hell we want. If we do it is not a sin, and we won't go to hell or any of that shit.

Thank you so much for reading loves.

Blessed Be.


All Hallow's E've

I'd like to wish everyone an exciting Halloween. The holiday which the witches had the most power, the devil could walk the Earth, and the souls of children would be eaten. Have a good All Hallow's E've everyone!!!

Halloween facts:
1. Jack o lanterns were originally set out to scare the demons away.

2. Food (now candy) was set out to feed the demons so they would not eat the children's souls.

3. All Hallow's E've is set to be the day the Devil can walk among us.

4. A witch can eat a child's soul.



Does any one know where I can get a statue of both lady bastet and lady isis?

Don't ask why just answer.


:iconkittyglompplz:(<---Deviant Art Icon thing) I love ya'll.


So. Kicked ass at Bands Of America, and Francis Howell. Exposition at BOA and finals at FH. *Clap clap* Next up is St. Gen. I can't spell it!

Wish us luck!
