- Created By cougarsama
Anime Psalm of Thanksgiving
On this day of thankfulness, I'd like to say how thankful I am for anime.
I am thankful for anime because I can buy it, meaning that I have money to spare (occasionally) for non-necessities.
I'm thankful when I watch anime because it lets me laugh, cry, and feel emotion.
I'm thankful to read manga because it also lets me feel emotions and reminds me that I am lucky to be literate.
I'm thankful I can draw fan art and sometimes write fan fics: it means I can express myself and have creativity and imagination.
I'm thankful for theOtaku because it means there are others out there I can share my interests with without being mocked or berated and I can make new friends even though I may never get to meet them face-to-face.
I'm thankful for my favorite series and characters: it means that there are people out there that understand what I like and have worked hard to create it and bring these beings to life.
Did I miss anything? Sorry. May there long be anime!
My Wishlist for the Secret Santa
Yay, I love the idea of an fan art Secret Santa! And here's my wishlist:
Slayers: it's my favorite anime, if you can't tell from looking at my work. Preferably a nice pic of Zel and Amelia, or a solo one of Zel.
Scryed: mostly Cougar, really (the whole avatar thing), but I also like Mimori and Tachibana.
Kanon: pretty sure this is the only anime that's ever made me tear up. I've gotten worked up over some others, but this actually turns on the waterworks.
I like a lot of Crispin Freeman characters (see my Top 12 list in my world post.) Nothing yaoi, but something where a group of them are hanging out playing games or something would be awesome.
Books: Any of Jane Austen's works, 'Jane Eyre' by Charlotte Bronte, the Lord of the Rings series, including 'The Hobbit' (work more from the books than the movies), and Dr. Seuss
TV shows:
Storage Wars: it's a series on A&E channel and really quite fun. And Barry Weiss rules! If you don't know what it is, just look it up and you'll get the idea pretty fast.
PBS Mystery's 'Poirot' starring David Suchet. He's so fussy that he'd probably drive me a little bonkers in real life, but he's really smart and snarky like me.
'Stand' by Rascal Flatts
Most 80s rock (Bon Jovi, Van Halen, etc.)
I love classic fairy tales, mostly Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella (doesn't have to be the Disney versions), and mythical stuff.
Lost worlds like Camelot, the Seven Cities of Gold; go for it.
My rules and restrictions: keep it clean (I'm pretty PG in my art tastes) and absolutely no yaoi!
Savior of the World
For a couple months now, I've been involved in a production called 'The Savior of the World' to be performed in March. It's a religious play, so if that's not for you, you might want to stop reading. It's a really awesome play all about the events before the Savior's birth, the night of His birth, and then what happened after His resurrection, focusing on how the faith and testimonies of those involved were strengthened by everything. The auditions for the play started a few days ago and I'm really looking forward to when we've got everyone cast and get started on rehearsals and I can hear all the music. I am the humble, bewildered props mistress; yeah, I said I'd get involved and the next thing I know the lady in my church that's the stage manager comes up to me and says that she wants me to handle the props. So far I've found some stuff, but some of it is hard! Where can I get swaddling bands; where do you find long strips of cloth that look exactly the same on both sides embroidered with the right patterns? People tell me Craigslist, but I don't have the money!
But for now, I'm happy with what's going on. I really believe in Christ, His birth, death, and life (which is still on-going, just not on this earth.) And I really want this production to be a success so that everyone else who's in it and sees it will believe too.
Not much going on
So I haven't posted lately because there's not much going on in my life right now. Still looking for a job and wishing gas prices would go down. I have gotten to hang out with my new nephew a little more lately; he's a little over a month old now and so cute! For his baby shower, I got him a board, lift-the-flap book about sea animals from Barnes & Noble; also bought some sea life poster/coloring books to give for Christmas. Yeah, he won't be able to really use them for a couple years, but it was a case of buy now or they won't be there later. As for the sea life focus, my sister's really into that stuff so they're kinda gonna go with that till he's old enough to decide.
I did recently buy the first two volumes of the Earl and Fairy manga for myself. I shouldn't exactly be spending my money like that right now, but I sort of counted them as a birthday present. I'm not pleased with the announcement of Toonami's change in their anime line-up because they're going to waste an hour on Sym-bionic Titans and the re-boot of Thundercats; seriously? Hopefully more people than me will change the channel during this hour and they'll get bad ratings so they'll take those out. I mean, we're getting so little anime as it is and those two shows would be just fine in their regular schedule as they're not anime. And if they want to show Thundercats at all, show the original, for crying out loud. It's kinda cheesy since it's from the '80s, but I have little faith in re-boots. I've caught glimpses of what they did to He-Man and Voltron.
Recent acquisition
So recently, I took some birthday money I got from my grandparents and decided to buy something new to watch. I first picked up 'The Last Unicorn' from the $5 bin of Walmart, then got 'He-Man' from the $5 bin of Target. It was funny because the lady ringing me up at Target, while I was putting my change in my wallet, did a double-take and looked at He-Man and was like 'Whoa, is this the original?" (Because they've done a remake cartoon, but it's not good, and I only say that from seeing the art.) So she was really excited and said she'd have to pick up a copy. It was a double DVD of the 10 best eps from the first and second seasons and I should really watch it today because the cartoons in the 80s and early 90s were epic. Heavy cheese factor, but that's kinda part of their charm with their little moral messages at the end and all.