Boy, it's been a while since I posted. Well, my parents have been in town for the holidays and they wouldn't be too pleased to see me spending much time on theO. I don't think they've much liked my anime habits since I ran up a big credit card bill buying DVDs back in college; one more thing they bailed me out on. Unless I win the lottery or something, I'll really never be able to repay them.
But during the holidays, I did like spending time with family. My new little nephew my sister and her husband adopted four months ago finally became legally theirs, as in all the paperwork is done through the courts and all. So he was sealed to them and we had the naming and blessing; this is pretty much the whole christening thing for Mormons. He's about five months old now and so cute. My parents came from Germany where they're working now just to see him; normally they only come to the States in the summer.
I'd done a month of ringing the Salvation Army bell outside my local grocery store for a job; that was fun, but very cold work. Now that's over and it's back to hunting, though I've kinda got something going through the temp agency with doing some housekeeping jobs here and there. But that's not gonna be enough and I'm hoping something full-time comes along.
Watching much anime was also out while my parents were here, but now I've borrowed the entire Hetalia series (well, all that's been licensed so far) from my local library and I'll watch that, Fairy Tail on On Demand, and Adult Swim. Right now I'm only really watching Samurai Seven and Eureka Seven as Bleach is in reruns and I'm not bothering to rewatch the original FMA series or anything else. I wish they could show some Bandai stuff again; AS seems a little limited now that they've only got Funi and Viz shows. Or they're just choosing poorly.