This is my world where I sporadically post about things that happen in my life, surveys, and extremely random things. And oh, I do mean sporadically.

My name is Kasa (well, not really, but it's been my nickname here for so long that it's basically become a part of my identity haha. I also go by Aly, but you can call me whatever you want), I'm 23, and I'm a first year in graduate school studying school psychology.

I tend to hyperfixate on things for long periods of time and then wholly forget about them, and I dabble in the arts of video editing and occasionally drawing and writing.

I'm super lame and kind of unsociable, but if you can look past that, maybe we can be friends?


I Must Be Going Stir Crazy, 'Cause All I See Is whitee Whiteee WHITEEEE!

-pokes snowflakes-

So. I didn't have school at all this week.
I'm probably not going to have school next week either. Why?

i never thought i would miss school until now.

Right now it's a battle between me and the snow currently covering my internet dish to make this post.

Mash-chan gave me her Sims2 for 'Christmas', so i may end up installing that so that i have something to do. 'cause like i told Akioh, i SUUUUUCK too much OoT. D8
What was that master cheat again...? -doesn't wanna have to take care of the sims xD-

but uhhh... yeah. While i was waiting for my dad to clean off the dish earlier, i entertained myself with the Journal function on my tablet.

so bored.
Oh, and all the X's and strikethroughs are where i attempted to make the stuff erase itself, but it didn't work. :[

Alssoooooo. An update on my grandma:
She had neck surgery last Wednesday, and it went well. She's currently at a rehab center near the hospital and is getting out maybe next week or the week after that. (and we're waiting for her to get out before we do grandaddy's funeral stuff)
But yeahhh. She's doing okay. :] So thank you to everyone who prayed for her and my familyyyyy ♥


ummm. ilu guys and all that jazz!

i don't usually ask for this kind of stuff, but...

Please pray for my grandma and the rest of my family.

My grandparents were in a car accident on Sunday and my grandaddy died last night. I knew he probably wouldn't be alive too much longer(he was 87), but i didn't expect it to be caused by a car accident.
He had brain bleeding and couldn't breathe on his own anymore. And we found out at the hospital that his cancer had spread to his liver and such and that was why he never had much energy.
We took him off the ventilator last night, cause he had said if anything ever happened to him, he didn't want to suffer...
It's sad, but it's better than him lying as a veggie for the rest of his life.
And, atleast he's in Heaven now. :]

My grandma broke a bone in her neck and a few ribs, along with something in her head-- but other than that she's going to be fine. She's having neck surgery Wednesday.
... And i don't think she even knows about grandad yet.

So, even if you're not very religious, can y'all say a little prayer or something? i'd really appreciate it.



I wish the U.S date would be confirmed already because i'm going to dieeee trying not to spoil anything for myself. xD;

But oh well. Life moves on.

Soooooooooooooo I haven't used my tablet in a week or so(because i didn't have anything i wanted to CG), and now i think the tracking is all messed up. 'Cause when i go to the edges of the tablet, the cursor is still only in the middle of the screen. -has no idea how to orient it- It's super annoying! D:

Oh and i'm also really mad at my computer. I updated my iTunes software the other day, and now none of the songs i bought on iTunes will work in Sony Vegas.
They converted to some weird form and aghhhhhh. (they were originally iTunes m4as.... But now they're QuickTime m4as.... And Vegas apparently doesn't like those.)
So now i have to burn the songs to a CD and then rip them back to my computer because i don't know how to turn them back.
It's quite a hassle. especially since i'm running out of CDs...

And the iTunes thing also made my internet go slow the past 2 days... so i couldn't do much. Now i'm catching up. and watching Hetalia 8D



Okay welllll i guess i'll talk to you guys laterrr. 8D But not today.... Because i have to do homework. bleghhhh

Resolutions :D

'Cause i forgot to post these earlier... >>; These are my internet and irl resolutions for '10~

  • Submit moar art! (and improve!)
  • Talk to my friends more! (Last year was a sucky year for that. :[)
  • Get healthier, gosh darnit. (people tell me i look skinny, but i'm actually sorta overweight...)
  • Submit more full amvs (and improve/officially decide on my editing style)
  • Overcome my social awkwardnessshyness

Haha. That's pretty much it.

happy new year <3

Christmas Loot

Here's everything i got from the familyyy. (relatives included)

-Wacom Bamboo Fun Tablet (YESSSSS. <3)
-Photoshop Elements 6.0, Corel Painter Essentials 4.0, some other program that came with the tablet that i have yet to install... xD;
-Nikon Coolpix Camera
-Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Rings of Fate
-Daughtry: Leave This Town CD
-$15 iTunes card
-some tank tops
-a shirt

Haha. So far i don't really likefail at Photoshop and Corel... I might install the other software later and try that.
unfortunately, Elements doesn't have a pen tool... D8 (or atleast i haven't found it yet... o.O) So i might end up doing lineart in Paint.NET and coloring it elsewhere.

I really like Crystal Chronicles so far. Mainly because it's not a turn-based battle system. I love FF and all... BUT WHY THE HECK DO ALL THE MAIN GAMES HAVE TO HAVE A TURN BASED SYSTEM? D8
but yes i like the game so far. although i'm already stuck... D8

I didn't get any anime boxed sets or Fatal Frame(sob), but i can always go use mah moneyyyy.

Thanks for all of the gifts you guys sent yesterday. xD
I tried to send as many as i could, but after a while it started giving me an error, so if you didn't get one, I'M SORRRYYYY. *hugs*

Well, today i'm going to sit around, finish this MEP part for YouTube(which... i lost 2 subscribers yesterday... D8 It was probably because i uploaded a full anime video and not a KH one...) ,and attempt to learn some PS basics. xD
Hope you guys got what you wanted for Christmasss(or whatever holiday you're celebrating. I don't like political correctness.)!! >w<