This is my world where I sporadically post about things that happen in my life, surveys, and extremely random things. And oh, I do mean sporadically.

My name is Kasa (well, not really, but it's been my nickname here for so long that it's basically become a part of my identity haha. I also go by Aly, but you can call me whatever you want), I'm 23, and I'm a first year in graduate school studying school psychology.

I tend to hyperfixate on things for long periods of time and then wholly forget about them, and I dabble in the arts of video editing and occasionally drawing and writing.

I'm super lame and kind of unsociable, but if you can look past that, maybe we can be friends?


Merry Christmas Eve. :D

Well, if i don't get to make a spazztic post tomorrow, i just wanted wish everyone a Merry Christmas. 8D <3
Hope you guys get what y'all want and then some.

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Anime List

Things I wanna watch/finish at some point in the next, ohhh let's say 5 years? xD xxx - have yet to watch/on hold xxx - finished/pretty much finished Umineko no Naku Koro ni Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicl...

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Christmas Break Fo Shizz.

Hooray. I should be pretty active this break. Maybe. Hopefully. If my internet doesn't die from uploading my Christmas video to YouTube(the darn thing is 145 MB!).

Anyway. I just got back from sledding with some friends earlier.(Ahaha. We finally got our driveway dug out) It was fun. :3
I don't want the snow to melt anytime soon! I want to have a white Christmas for once gosh darnit!

I'll have a Christmas pic posted soon. I still have to ink/color it, but it should be up by Chistmas. :D

In the meantime, enjoy this extremely short video brought to you by me being snowed in yesterday.

Feel free to send me a PM if you wanna chat.~


Happy Thanksgiving!

Eat lotsa food, guyssss! but then make sure you exercise a lot afterwards. :x

Anywhooo. Just posting a quick update post since it's been a SUPERRRR LONGGG time since i last posted about my life.

School's going pretty good. I won an award in Spanish the other day for being the most improved student.~ 8D

Marching season ended a few weeks ago. We had an undefeated season! Go us!

Home life is going okay too. BUT. KSDJLK:JSDKL. I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNT. D:< sob

Alsooooo. I've had this terrible cough for a few weeks and it doesn't want to go away. ;w;
I went to the doctor, and apparently the only thing wrong IS the cough. My breathing and everything is fine. :|
It's been getting better though, thankfully.

Um... That's all i can think of for an update.

*hugs you all* <3

New stuff:
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before we evaporate (worm part) (AMV)
choosing teams (AMV)