This is my world where I sporadically post about things that happen in my life, surveys, and extremely random things. And oh, I do mean sporadically.

My name is Kasa (well, not really, but it's been my nickname here for so long that it's basically become a part of my identity haha. I also go by Aly, but you can call me whatever you want), I'm 23, and I'm a first year in graduate school studying school psychology.

I tend to hyperfixate on things for long periods of time and then wholly forget about them, and I dabble in the arts of video editing and occasionally drawing and writing.

I'm super lame and kind of unsociable, but if you can look past that, maybe we can be friends?


twitter me. ;p

I got an account on Twitter because Mash-chan has been bugging the heck outta me to get one.

So here it is.

Got an account? You should stalk me so that i feel loved. xD

Payback xDDDD


you got hacked :P
betchu' can't guess who~! xD
*cough cough harvestmoonluvr cough*

lol consider it payback xDDDDDDDD

LE GASP. [short update post.]

Today it was sunny for the first time in like, a week.
Everyone was flipping out because it didn't rain all day.

And i had a state test, but i'm pretty confident about my score 'cause it was so DANG EASY.

Saturday i have some softball games(if the field isn't underwater anymore xD). A double-header, and possibly another if i get floated over to play for team 2 when they have their games.

Uhmm... that's pretty much it for life updates. xD Guess i'll do art/other updates.

I'm working on coloring Den-chan's lineart for our art trade. I'm having lotsa fun with it. :D
And... i still haven't finished my Aerith picture. I'm looking for a good ref pic of the church and i haven't found one yet(i've only found Advent Children pics of it where it's destroyed.) -w-

OH. i've started playing FFX-2 again. Why not just regular X? BECAUSE I FAIL AT IT. haha. I die on my way to D'jose every time 'cause there's no save point to get everyones health back and i always run out of potions and phoenix downs in the simplest of battles. D8
So yes. X-2. Great fun. I'm looking for Vegnagun in Bevelle and i just unlocked all the security things in the restricted area. Wheeee.
It should be illegal to fail so much at FF games xD

AND LOOOOOOK. I finished that video.

'tis all for now. *waves*

Don't scare me like that again, Vegas. D8

'KAY. SO. YESTERDAY. I was trying to finish up my amv, Rooftops(Go to 'WIP It~' to see the screenshot), since i'm supposed to release it tomorrow(which i don't think is gonna happen OTL)

And as i'm editing away, a message pops up.
"An exception has occured"
Okay, no problem, right? i get that message every once in a while.
Sooo i go and restart Vegas, and go to reopen the project, only to find out:
IT COMMITED SUICIDE. AKA: Deleted itself. xD
So i was sitting at the computer screaming my head off(which was hard 'cause i'm losing my voice xD) and flailing my arms and using some not nice words towards my computer, when i realize:
You see, SV saves a backup file of your project automatically, so if something happens to your project, you can get it back.
Luckily the backup didn't get deleted or i would be screwed! D=
(I think the problem is that i have like, 5 GB of video imported in the project. 3 GB of Air TV clips, and 2 GB of KH and FF stuff. *shrug*)

ANYWHOOOO. If anyone is wondering why i'm updating at 7:52 AM it's cause my mom is letting me go in late 'cause i have a freaky cold/7th graders are taking a state test today so i'll just be sitting in one class.

So... I think i'm gonna go work on that video, since i think i may actually have that softball game tonight. >>


Miniature tarantulas, anyone?

I woke up this morning and there was like, a freaking tarantula dead and curled up next to my head! A small one.


I think it was a wolf spider, too. It was fat, brown/light brown and was kinda furry looking.

Aren't those poisonous...?!


So, if i don't come home from school today. I died. The end. D':