This is my world where I sporadically post about things that happen in my life, surveys, and extremely random things. And oh, I do mean sporadically.

My name is Kasa (well, not really, but it's been my nickname here for so long that it's basically become a part of my identity haha. I also go by Aly, but you can call me whatever you want), I'm 23, and I'm a first year in graduate school studying school psychology.

I tend to hyperfixate on things for long periods of time and then wholly forget about them, and I dabble in the arts of video editing and occasionally drawing and writing.

I'm super lame and kind of unsociable, but if you can look past that, maybe we can be friends?


New Stuffs. :O

Just a catchup on my computer life.~ Videos. Art. Icons. The works. =P ---- Let's start with the big one first. <3 ...

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My sister took my FREAKING PLAYSTATION2 WHILE I WAS AT MY SPRING BAND CONCERT. WHAT THE HECK?! I get home, right? So like, i walk in my room... AND HALF OF MY DRESSER DRAWERS ARE OPEN and the clothes inside a...

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I'm 90% Emo. xD

[] I like skinny jeans (i can't wear them... D:) [x] Music is life. (90% of life, atleast. ;P) [x} you have written /wrote poetry/song lyrics before. [x] My hair covers part of my face (Lolllll. You guys should see me when i don'...

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I feel like one of those people who got the bee stinging treatment to their lips. .___.

Know why? I had 7 teeth pulled today. x__x 4 wisdom teeth, and 3 bicuspids. Or something. Wisdom teeth are tiny. I always thought they would be huge. But they're not. o.o I shtill cont feaaall mai lips. D: Or my chi...

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*watching Eragon movie* I'M SCARED THOUGH. BECAUSE EVERYONE SAYS IT DISGRACES THE BOOK HORRIBLY. *hasn't seen it yet even though it's been out for like 2 years* And from what i've seen on YT for casting and stuff, it looks like it's go...

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