This is my world where I sporadically post about things that happen in my life, surveys, and extremely random things. And oh, I do mean sporadically.

My name is Kasa (well, not really, but it's been my nickname here for so long that it's basically become a part of my identity haha. I also go by Aly, but you can call me whatever you want), I'm 23, and I'm a first year in graduate school studying school psychology.

I tend to hyperfixate on things for long periods of time and then wholly forget about them, and I dabble in the arts of video editing and occasionally drawing and writing.

I'm super lame and kind of unsociable, but if you can look past that, maybe we can be friends?



We gots a new computer.

One problem.
The screen is freakazoidishly HUGEEEEE.


O_____O *twitch*
So. Big. *twitch*

... I think that even though the monitor added like, $200 to the computer price, i'm gonna ask my dad to hook the old monitor up. This one is just WAYYYYY too big. .___.

Oh, and the colors are weird. Greys look green.

Attention all you yoctograms! My TV is garbage! CRUNCH! I'll add it to the heap!

You know you're zetta obsessed with TWEWY when you start talking like Minamimoto. What the factoring digit is wrong with meeee? No but really. *pokes title* Our downstairs TV is getting awful. It's all dark and ...

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Twitch twitch sob. D:

Bad news regarding my computer. (see "ugh ugh ugh no ugh crap NOOOO!" a post or so down. xD) It dead. Kaputed. Never coming back. In the big basement in the sky. Pushing up daisies. You get the point, right? xD...

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Snow Day! :D

First one of the year! *cheers* So anyway, some guy my dad works with has the desktop computer and is trying to fix it, so hopefully we'll get it back soon. :3 'Cause i wanna submit some pics. And have SOUND. (My sis' laptop has...

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no no no crap no no no no ugh noooooo!

I'm like, freaking P.O'd right now. Wanna know why? THE FREAKING DESKTOP COMPUTER LIKE, CRASHED. JUST NOW. It's on Chkdsk or whatever, and it says "Insufficient amount of disk space to correct errors" So like. Yeah. It's ...

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