Which explains my lack of activity for the past few days. >:P

But rly. I just finished the first season of Higurashi, and i'm already halfway through the 1st summer on RF.(xD Mash-chan, you might not get it back for a while... I'm determined to beat the main storyline! And marry Rosetta! 8D)

Surprisingly, i've had no nightmares from Higurashi. But i might... seeing as how i just saw the episodes where Rena scratched her wrist/neck and maggots and blood came out today... For some reason i've had dreams like that before. I don't wish to have them again.
Here's hoping that the Kai season isn't as horrifying! (It's not... right, Ryu-chan? D':)

AKIOH-CHANNNNNNNNNNNN. I can't go to Otakon this year. D': No ride.
BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT my mom said "Maybe in a few years if you're still into this anime stuff... THEN you can go to the one in Baltimore." *never mentioned the one in Arlington to her oh well this one is bigger >>;*
So yay for that? She's probably hoping that i'll have forgotten about it by then, but trust me. I won't. >:D
And uhm. Your super-late-but-actually-would-have-been-on-time-if-i-wasn't-so-lazy scribbly b-day present will be up soon. Maybe. Eventually. *bad procrastinator xD*

Anywhoo. I have 4 PMs that i should probably go check before i do anything else.
So. You guys. Tell me what all i've missed and i shall go check it out. :D
