*sings and runs around*

Just to show how truleh bored i am. :3

No mood today. XD
Listening To: "All Around Me" Flyleaf (i don't feel like listing everything. Meh ish lazy!

Okay... Sooo:

Tomorrow is MiniSociety! :3
But the 5th graders and 8th graders won't be there... They goin on field trips! (So Kelsey can't come! =O)
Me and my friends have a business! Bwahahah!
People are gonna pay to pie us in the face! XD
Whipped cream pies. x33
We're gonna have hairnets and ponchos though, so our hair and clothes won't smell bad later. XD
We have 3 teachers who'll help... But we owe one of them a bag of candy! XD
And a couple of people in our grade volunteered to help... But we have to pay some of them... -.-
School money. So they're not paying us actual money. :3
Ahahaha. It's gonna be SO AWESOME though!!!!! ^_____^

So i've been watching some AMV's lately.
And a lot of good ones are of Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
I want to play that game... But it's for the PSP(I'm pretty sure) ...
Mean ol' Square who made it for the PSP...
And Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep is supposed to be for the PSP too...
Okay... But back to the CC thing:
I'm sick of seeing AMV's with the scene where Zack is laying there all bloody and dead. And where Cloud is screaming 'cause Zack's dead.
Mega-Spoiler. XD
It ruined the game for me... (not that i was probly gonna play it anyway...)

So.. There's really not a whole lot to talk about.. -.-
I got a softball game tomorrow. ^^"

No school Friday! Maybe i'll get a lot of AMV work in! (Doubt it... XD)

I'll post some questions! :3
1) What'cha listening to?
2) What's your fave color?
3) Anyone up for an art trade? i need something to draw!
4) XD .. Do you guys wish you could put whipped-cream on my face?
5) *huggles* ^___^

My shuffle thing on Windows Media Player isn't doing a very good job... -.-
It keeps playin' the same songs over and over again! XDD

*huggles* Hope you all have/had a nice day! ^-^
