
I'm too lazy to post half the time. XD
So i'm forcing myself to today. :3

Mood: blahblahblah who cares
Listening To: "Butterfly Mega Remix" (I'm guessing the artist is SMiLE.dk... Even though it's a remix... o.o), "Stay" Sugarland, "Face Down" Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, "I Need You" Relient K

We made a lot of money!!! =D
And since 4 of us split the money equally... We each got like.... 40 something.... O.O
Like i said... Not real money. XD

I think my face is breaking out from all the sugar i ate and all the whipped cream that was on my face... :3

The ponchos, hairnets, and goggles came in handy!

'Cept one of my guy friends who PIED ME BEFORE I HAD MY HAIRNET THING IN...
He called me over from this stand i was getting a snow cone from(i think i was getting a snow cone) ... And was hiding it behind his back.. XD
So like... I get within 2 steps of him, and he smashes it on the side of my face! =O
I was mad. XD
the tarp got SOOOO slippery after a while... So we walked around barefoot... And i fell like... twice... XD
And my softball team warred against me... =.=
They all came over at some point and pied me... And one came over like... 3 times... And hurt my nose... O_O

We all hugged "you-know-who" with our whipped cream ponchos. BWAHAHAAHAH!
I think we scared him though... 'Cause he hugged my one friend... Then my other friend hugged him... And then i hugged him!
It was awkward. XDD
I was talkin' to meh friend about it last night on AIM... And she was like "I think we scared him!"
I was like "Hahaha! Yeah! We should just tell him we were drugged up on all the whipped cream! :)"

Ahahah. Some of the somewhat popular guys in our grade volunteered... And then we started gettin more people!
The one guy who had volunteered from the start had to go to the bathroom a bunch of times, 'cause people kept gettin' whipped cream on his head!
And the teachers got pied a lot!

We tried to figure out who got pied most... It was between me and one of my friends(the one who first hugged "you-know-who") ('cause i don't want to use their real names! ^^")

I ate so much sugar that day too... *drools*
I think i ate: 2 brownies, a piece of cheesecake, a cupcake, a milkshake, 3 snow cones, 3 cookies, and of course: whipped cream. XD

Enough MiniSociety stuff... Even though there's probably more i could say about that. XD

We had a softball game the night after MiniSociety... So like... All the people on our team from my school had like... Colored hair from the hairspraying stands
AND WE WON!!! WOOHOOO!!! I think it was like.... 12-5! ^_^
We were tied at one point, which was sad...
We had "a rally goin'" ... and guess who struck out?
Me. D:
But i had hit really good the first time i was at bat.. So whatever. XD

Now for something random:
A fly is attacking me!!!!
... I think he's gone.... O.o

My AMV is harder than i thought to finish....
I've been working on it for like... A month... T___T
But there's been days i couldn't work on it 'cause i was either busy or WMM was being a meanie. DX
I'm atleast near the end... Where it just does the chorus like... twice..
But that almost makes it harder... 'Cause you can mess up easier....

Oh yeah... Since some you said y'all might be up for an art trade...
PM me if you want to do one! ^-^

State testing starts soon....
I mean, sure, i'll probably do okay... But still. I hate taking them!
We've been reviewing a lot in school...

Oooh! That Berry picture i did HAS 15 HUGS!!!!!!!!!! ^______^
That's the most any of my pictures have ever gotten! ^-^

Uhm... Okay... So... That's pretty much it! ^^"

Hope everyone has a great Saturday! ^-^
