What do YOU think of me? ;D

Uhm. Here's something i stole from Ryu-chan who stole it from Ice-chan who i was too lazy to fill this out for. 8D;

Post your answers in the comments. Muahahaa.

"What If.."
I died:
I kissed you:
I lived next door to you:
You found out I was married:
I stole something:
I was hospitalized:
I refused to leave my home:
I got into a fight while you were there:

"Would You.."
Help me hide a body:
Keep a secret if I told you one:
Hold my hand:
Take a bullet for me:
Try to solve my problems:
Love me:
Date me:

"Have You Ever.."
Lied to make me feel better:
Lied for me:
Wanted to kiss me:
Wanted to kill me:
Broke my heart:
Betrayed me:
Kept something important from me:
Thought I was unbearably annoying/felt like you couldn't stand me:

Who are you:
Are we friends:
When and how did we meet:
Describe me in three words:
What was your first impression:
Do you still think that way about me now:
What reminds you of me:
If you could give me anything, what would it be:
How well do you know me:
When was the last time you saw me:
Ever wanted to tell me something you couldn't:
Are you gonna repost this to see what I say about you:

Uhm. I haven't gotten on the house computer in 2 days so i still haven't finished writing all the camp adventures. BUT I WILL WRITE THEM EVENTUALLYYYYY.

Andddd now i gotta go apply sunscreen before i go to marching band so that i don't get burned like i did yesterday. (I missed a whole section on my leg yesterday, so i just have this randomly burned place and it hurrrrts. D:)
When i get back i'm planning on writing something for MCC. So hopefully no one advances the story. 'CAUSE ELA WANTS TO FIGHT--er, use her assault rifle to whoop up on the baddies. I need to draw a pic of that ahahahahahah.
