Pfff you guys thought i was dead, didn't you?

i'm sorrryyyyy. D:

My schedule is pretty much: wake up, go to school, go to marching band practice, come home, eat, do homework, shower, finish homework if i didn't already, and then sleep.

I've been pretty stressed lately.

My mom says that if i don't bring my C in Spanish II up, i'm grounded from internet access for 6 friggin weeks. D: (I don't know how i'm gonna be able to pull it up though, since my teacher doesn't give extra credit and i'm borderline C/D...)
I'm doing okay in my other classes, though.~ :] (I think.)

Right now i'm exhausted. Friday night we had to march at the football game, and then i came home and me and Den-chan(who came down for my birthday partyyyy. <333) watched the complete series of Kanon '06... Then yesterday was my birthday sleepover, and then people didn't leave until this afternoon... then i took a nap because i was super tired.
I pretty much pulled 2 all-nighters. D8
And now i'm doing the homework that i never had time to do. *huff*

I haven't had time to draw, or make AMVs, use the computer, or anything... D: which sucks because i have a mep part i'm supposed to have finished and uploaded by wednesday... and i still haven't been able to finish it/properly start it.

Things'll be better once marching season is over, but until then i'm probably going to be on a hiatus and pop in every now and then to say hi or give updates on what's going on in my life.

I'll miss you guuuuuys. D8

*runs off to write intro for Machiavelli vs. Constitution essay for World History*
