Happy Thanksgiving!

Eat lotsa food, guyssss! but then make sure you exercise a lot afterwards. :x

Anywhooo. Just posting a quick update post since it's been a SUPERRRR LONGGG time since i last posted about my life.

School's going pretty good. I won an award in Spanish the other day for being the most improved student.~ 8D

Marching season ended a few weeks ago. We had an undefeated season! Go us!

Home life is going okay too. BUT. KSDJLK:JSDKL. I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNT. D:< sob

Alsooooo. I've had this terrible cough for a few weeks and it doesn't want to go away. ;w;
I went to the doctor, and apparently the only thing wrong IS the cough. My breathing and everything is fine. :|
It's been getting better though, thankfully.

Um... That's all i can think of for an update.

*hugs you all* <3

New stuff:
External Image
before we evaporate (worm part) (AMV)
choosing teams (AMV)
