Christmas Loot

Here's everything i got from the familyyy. (relatives included)

-Wacom Bamboo Fun Tablet (YESSSSS. <3)
-Photoshop Elements 6.0, Corel Painter Essentials 4.0, some other program that came with the tablet that i have yet to install... xD;
-Nikon Coolpix Camera
-Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Rings of Fate
-Daughtry: Leave This Town CD
-$15 iTunes card
-some tank tops
-a shirt

Haha. So far i don't really likefail at Photoshop and Corel... I might install the other software later and try that.
unfortunately, Elements doesn't have a pen tool... D8 (or atleast i haven't found it yet... o.O) So i might end up doing lineart in Paint.NET and coloring it elsewhere.

I really like Crystal Chronicles so far. Mainly because it's not a turn-based battle system. I love FF and all... BUT WHY THE HECK DO ALL THE MAIN GAMES HAVE TO HAVE A TURN BASED SYSTEM? D8
but yes i like the game so far. although i'm already stuck... D8

I didn't get any anime boxed sets or Fatal Frame(sob), but i can always go use mah moneyyyy.

Thanks for all of the gifts you guys sent yesterday. xD
I tried to send as many as i could, but after a while it started giving me an error, so if you didn't get one, I'M SORRRYYYY. *hugs*

Well, today i'm going to sit around, finish this MEP part for YouTube(which... i lost 2 subscribers yesterday... D8 It was probably because i uploaded a full anime video and not a KH one...) ,and attempt to learn some PS basics. xD
Hope you guys got what you wanted for Christmasss(or whatever holiday you're celebrating. I don't like political correctness.)!! >w<
