Heehee, so i just got back from Animelover7310's going away party! It was lotsa fun!

Okay, so i'm sure everyone wants to know what all happened... we go! :D

Okay, well the first thing was that Harvestmoonluvr screamed when we trying to 'surprise' Animelover7310 when she came in.... We were all being kinda quiet, and then she just went like "KYAAA!!!!" (well... not "Kyaaa!" but.. you guys know what screaming sounds like! XD)

And then Harvestmoonluvr and 2 other friends who were there decided to go out on the balcony of the condo we were at (3 stories up! HECK YEAHHH~!!!)
... And one of her/our friends stuck their hand in the door trying to get the blind thingy out of the doorway, and i walked in and half screamed!
I thought we were being robbed or somethin! XDDD
But we weren't.

And then one of our friends did tarot card readings...
But in the past i was "Flirtatious and a lot of guys were attracted to me"
But apparently i can't trust people and stuff, and that's whats in the way...
Ehh... better than what someone else got. One of my friends got "You will throw a party and have a serious love affair!" XDDD

And then we had pizza and presents~
I got her a manga...
Off my bookshelf. XD
I'm SORRRYYYYY i didn't have time to go out and buy some other manga, but my mom didn't take me shopping!
So... She ended up with Cardcaptor Sakura: Master of the Clow vol. 1.
Hoorah! Manga! Otakufangirl and Harvestmoonluvr and me(obviously) got her manga. XD
Chocolateeee.... *drools*
Haha. We ate chocolate at like 5 A.M!

And then we played with a Ouija board. XD ... Well... Okay... It was a piece of paper set up like one, but same dif, right?
Like, my friend was all freaked out 'cause this spirit we talked to died of heartbreak from this guy who HAS THE SAME NAME OF THE GUY MY FRIEND LIKES. ...And apparently was her guardian angel~
And then i decided to take a whack at it with some other friends...
And we got a 14 year old with the name of the guy one of my friends likes. XD
So we were like "Spirit, are you pranking us?"
"Spirit, do you like us?"
"Spirit, can we talk to a different spirit?"
"Spirit, do you wish to talk to us anymore?"
"Spirit, do you want us to leave?"
Yes. Or was it "No?" I can't remember....
That was one confused spirit.
I mean, sure, i don't really believe in that supernatural stuff, but my gawd it was creepy! None of use were moving the piece obviously, but it was moving... ._.
'Specially since the lights flickered at one point... o.O

And... Then Animelover7310 gave Otakufangirl a huge Naruto action figure, and i came up with the idea to PUT HIM IN THE FREEZER!!! XDDD
So basically, when someone opened up the freezer to get ice, there was Naruto, looking like he was gonna kill us. XD
And we left him in there all night, and in the morning he was like, ice cold! XD
But then he warmed up really fast. :O
Heheheh. But it was so awesome~ XD

(I'm probably really messing the order of the night up, but if i am, sorry... I didn't pay attention to the order we did stuff! XD)

After the Ouija board, we went out to the living room... and we played some game called "Don't Make Me Laugh"
But the rules were REALLLYYYYY confusing, so we just went into teams and told people to do things from the card.. Me and a friend i was partnered up with had to:
-Dirty dance(o_O)
-Act out a scene from the Wizard of Oz
-Be Oompa Loompas
- and some other stuff.
And then Harvestmoonluvr and someone else had to be "Michael Jackson"
So she was sitting there singing, and one of our friends came in like "Hey little boyyy~" and then started following her around the table! XD
And then kelsey just threw the cards EVERYWHERE, so we stopped playing.

We played DS for a lil' while...
We PictoChatted, and then we played MarioKart DS...
And guess who came in last?
Okay, from me to the first place(Harvestmoonluvr)... It was like... a 70 point difference, if that tells you anything.

Boy we did a lt of gossiping. XD
And we played like... Truth games and a bunch of other games. XD

And we ate triple chocolate cake and stayed up 'til like... 5:30.
:D :D :D
And then slept 'til like... 11.
And then we had pancakes for breakfast~
And then we all left. T___T

If you guys wanna know more random stuff about what happened... go check out their posts! =D
(Otakufangirl, Harvestmoonluvr, and possibly Animelover7310(don't know if she's said anything yet))

I'ma miss Animelover7310 so muchhh~
It won't be the same without her!


I finally finished "Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment"~ ^-^
Now i need to go buy book numero 2! =D
So many things i need to find out.... @.@

Ummm... Soooo... Yeah... I don't know what else to really say, 'cause just saying all this has turned out to be a really long post. XD
Sooo... I guess i hope everyone has a good week and stuffs~ *huggles*
