The Campers Diary (FINALLY! :D)

I've been too unmotivated to write it over the weekend, and yesterday i kept getting sidetracked by iSketch and ChatBoxes. XDD

So yesh. Kasa-chan is back with her motivation problems~

SO. Bring out the Notepad and get ready to comment... And i'm not even kidding. You'll want it. XD
And i'm ready to have to split this into 2 posts if it won't take it 'cause it's too long. XD

OKAY. Before i go into the 'Diary'
I just wanted to say that i got tagged by Fun-chan, and my facts are on myO....
And this is who i tagged:
-MewChero (already did her facts)
-LoveIsDaKey/GoDanceTheSound (why'd ya hafta go and make a new account? XD)
-red kie
Remember that you guys don't have to do it if you don't want to~

Anddd... Rachel-chan tagged me, 'cause she got tagged by someone else. D=
8 More Facts, But i won't tag anyone, since i already have tagees from the last time.

1) The first person i ever fangirled over... was... Joey/whatever his Japanese name is from Yu-Gi-Oh. XD ... Don't ask why. I was like... 8 when that happened. XDD
2) The only sport i can play and be decent with is softball. @.@
3) I'm reading Twilight and i'm almost halfway through, considering i just started it Sunday night~ =D
4) CHATBOXES ARE FUN WITH FUN-CHAN AND DOODLE PADS (lol. that's a random fact. XD)
5) I don't have long distance on my phone. And we don't have cell reception where i live (i live in the boonies... kinda. XD), so no Voice Comments from Kasa-chan unless i'm at someones house and they let me use their phone. XD
6) I sing in the shower. ;D
7) My backspace key still sticks. T__T
8) I LIKE PIE!!!!!!! ^______^




Okies. So i'll do a prologue thingy first. XD

And i'm not using real names, take notice to that. XD

Camp was AMAZING! I felt kinda on the outside though, 'cause 4 out of the 6 girls in our group hung out the whole week, which left me and another girl, who had actually been in my cabin when were like 6, to be friends. *sigh*
Like, this one girl, I'll call her... Carry(XD ... Even though she has like.. a Korean name really), tried to be my friend, but everytime the others came around, it was like... ditch-poor me time.

Yes, a hogan. Not a hoagie. XDDD . It's like.. a really long cabin, but no bunk beds, and NO ELECTRICITY. -w-;
And of course we have the one that's like, ALL THE WAY AT THE TOP OF CAMP. XD
It was like.... 1/4 of a mile up, if not more. T___T

I think i got eaten by the bugs. -.-
I have like, 20 bug bites, and most of them have finally stopped itching. XD
Like, the bugs attacked me, i had spiders and ticks crawl up my legs a couple times, and then of course the stupid mosquitoes. D=

Our counselers were AWESOME!!!
Like, they were so cool! =D
Our guy counseler gave us massages. XDDD

But all in all, it was a lot of fun, once you get past the long walk, bugs, and zero electricity. XD

I feel a lot closer to God and more understanding of my faith. ^^ (lol. i won't say more than that, since i don't wanna seem all religousy. XD)

Here we go~
I can't remember a lot of stuff, 'cause it already seems so distant. T_T

-Sunday Evening:
- Go to camp, discovered we had the extremely long walk to the MR hogan. Unpacked and said hi to everyone. XD ....Played some name games, and yeah. Sunday was boringish.

-First day at camp~ woohoo!
We practiced flipping our canoes over in the lake for our canoeing trip on Tuesday.
It took me and the guy in our canoe to get back in after we flipped out the first time. XD
Our pool time got rained out, 'cause it Thunderstormed. Dx
Hmmm.. Nothing else really exciting happened. =O

It was so much fun! =D
The guy in my canoe... We'll call him... Troy(...that's close to his name anyway. XD) was having some issues with me at first when it came to steering. He thought he could just take a break when he wanted to, and leave me to steering (which wouldn't work, since i was in teh front), but eventually we got past that. :D
And trouble struck when we hit rapids.
The river was low, so we had to get out and basically pull the canoe down the rapids to get out. XD
When we were in some rapids, like, our canoe got stuck on a rock, and was so leaned over sideways that i thought we were gonna tip over. T___T
But luckily we didn't. ^-^
And when we getting ready to stop for lunch, we decided to have race, and the winner would "get their lunch first(which didn't happen. XD)" , And... Carry and the guy in her canoe... We'll call him... Joe.(I have creative name problems, okay? XD), were going really fast and being all wobbly, and then when we turned to stop and tie together to eat lunch...
THEY TIPPED OVER! XD ... And they weren't too happy about it either. XD
So after lunch, we kept going, and we came to even more rapids. -.-
So we were going down them awesomeley, and then we couldn't turn, and kept going left...
so i looked back to make sure he was okay, y'know, being the nice person i am, even though he was 15 and could take care of himself, and i think he hit his knee on the bar thing in the canoe. :O
And then we went farther, and i looked down on my leg...
I like, half-screamed quietly, and then flicked it off. XD
Sooo... we kept going and going some more, and then had that whole 'rapid-almost-tipping-over" thing happen again. XD
And then we went even farther, and then it was finally over. XD
On our way back to the camp... We got a flat tire. -w-
We don't seem to have very good luck. XD
Hmmm... Nothing else really exciting happened, and even if it did, i won't write about it 'cause Tuesday's entry is getting really long. XDD

We had low ropes, which was fun. =3
We did some weird thing with a tire, and we had to get through the tire and to the other side, which was cool! :D
'cept i thought they were gonna drop me, ;_;
BUT THEY DIDN'T! Hooray for strong guys. XD
We cooked out that night and had mountain pies. :D :D
If you don't know what mountain pies are... YOU NEED TO GO CAMPING. XD
You basically take a pie iron, butter it, put in bread, pizzas sauce, cheese, pepperonis, or pie filling, and then put it in the fire so it can cook! =D
I was bad. I ate 3. XD
But i wasn't teh only one~ xP
Then we had a staff hunt, where you.... self explanatory. XD
We found 3 out of 7. -w-
Which really isn't that bad, but it's not great.
One of the junior counselers was hiding in the slide on the playground, and was reading a book when we found her. XD
Then we had Vespers(which is like.. a night worship thing, we had it every night),and then we went to pack lunch for horesback riding...
I came to camp to get away from like, video games, and KH, and the computer.
BUT GUESS WHAT? Timbo (one of the guys who works in the kitchen), is like, an anime fan. XD
So like. We walk in. And i hear some oddly familiar music...
I was like "Hey Timbo, havin' fun listenin' to KH?"
And he was like, "Yeah~" and then he went back in the kitched and turned it up. XD
And 'Troy' was like, KH is the best game ever!
I had discovered some KH fans. XD
lol. And then we went into some weird gamer-talk, and everyone else was just like "O.o....?" XDDD
And then we packed our lunches, and then we went back to the hogan, and made some S'mores and stuff. :D
And the guy counseler... uhm... i'll call him... Jerry(i'm picking names that sound close to theirs. XD), told this REALLY LAME joke. (Two guys walked into a bar. The 2nd one shoulda seen it coming... -.-) ... And 'Carry' started like... LAUGHING HER HEAD OFF. She laughed for like 10 minutes straight! And she was laughing so hard she was crying, and 'Jerry' was telling her to calm down and to breathe, but like... She just kept laughing! XDDD ... So then we were all laughing at her, and we laughed for like... 10 minutes. It was so hilarious, even though the joke wasn't that funny. XDDD
And then we had a group devotion.
And wow.
It felt like camp really started after that. =]
Like, we found out so much about each other. And we realized how much the guys in our group had been through(we only had 4 guys, and that included their counseler). Like, 'Troy' used to drugs, and he's a foster child. And... apparently 'Joe's dad was in trouble. And apparently Jerry's family wasn't very religous, and only he and his mom had chosen the path to be Christians.
*sigh* And then there was us. The girls. We had no life stories to tell.
But like, it was amazing.
Too bad that we only had one full day left. ;_;
It was like, almost midnight when we finally went to sleep. xD

We were almost 25 minutes into driving, and then our girl counseler... who we'll call.. Jill (XD), realized she had left the lunches back at camp.
SOOO. We turned around and went back to get them.
And then she kept apologizing 'cause she felt so bad.
So, we started driving again. And turned on the tunes. :D
We got to listen to the kinda music everyone likes.
But like... 'Jerry' wouldn't stop changing the radio station, 'cause he sat up front. XD
'Joe' was like "Y'know, if you were a woman, i'd hate to marry you. You know why? 'Cause you change the channel too much!"
We ate our lunches on the road, and then we finally got to the stable.
So sad. I almost don't meet the height limit. XD
You have to be like... 4'9".... And i'm only 5ft... So like... Yeah. XDD
And i got stuck with the 'drunk horse' named Lily.
YEAH. The lady up in front of the line of horses was like "Lily has a weird walk, she goes sideways. It's worse when she gallops! It's like she's drunk all the time!"
So of course, i have to keep her going straight the whole time. And then when we were heading back, we had to go UP hills instead of DOWN.
So we had to make our horses gallop. -w-
Like... My horse did NOT want to go fast, so i ended up smacking her with a stick the guide lady told me to use. XD
And argh! So. Fast. x_X
I like. Half-Screamed. XD
But finally it was over.
It was a lot of fun though. =3
On the way back to camp... We saw a BLACK BEAR WITH TWO CUBS!!!
...And then everyone in the van fell asleep, except me and the driver(obviously.) XDD
So i had to listen to the static of radio stations overlapping the whole time until we got on the normal roads. =.=
And when we got back to camp, we decided we were going to sleep out on the hill where they have Vespers. So we packed up sleeping bags and stuff, and got ready for the WATER CARNIVAL! ;D
I didn't participate in all of it though. Only the 'semi-dry' events. XD
*didn't feel like getting wet*
And we got to eat ice cream that we homemade. They had it in a new rain-gutter thing(so it was clean. XD), and they turned it into a REALLY long ice-cream sundae. :D
It was yummeh.
And then we went to Vespers, and THEN we set up tents and stuff for our campout.
We stayed up until PAST midnight talking and stuff around the fire. =D
It was fun. ^-^
'Cept me, 'Carry', 'Jill', and.... 'Karly'(the one i hung out with all week), got stuck with the 'dirty tent'
We got the guys to check our tent for before we went to bed. XDD

-Friday: (*sniffles* The last day)
- Yep. Last day. *sob*
Well, we woke up, went to the kitchen, and got food supplies. We were going to cook our own breakfast!
Sooo... We ended up making sausage and pancakes.
I got a fired sausage.
They said if anyone dropped a sausage into the fire off the griddle thing, they'd have to eat it.
It actually wasn't too bad though. Just a little ashy. XD
So then we cleaned up breakfast...
High Ropes RULES!
Okay. So basically, you're strapped into a harness thing, and you wear a helmet and blah blah. And you climb up this tower thingy, which leads to a bunch of wires like.... 20 feet off the ground maybe? And you have to go through the course, by choosing whichever path you wanna go. I took teh easy way, 'cause i wanted to go do the zipline. XD
The zipline was cool. Even though i took forver to finally drop off the platform and go 'cause i was nervous. XD
But High-ropes was really cool, even though it took like.. 2 hours. XD
And thennnnn.... We had lunch, and then cleaned up an area of the camp.
Then we finished up our Pioneer thingy. AND I GOT PIONEER. WOOHOO. ...
That's 1st level. XD
I was 3 points away from the 2nd level though. *sigh* ... I wish i coulda learned more knots, then maybe i coulda got it.
Thennnn... We did archery~ WOOOHOO
I got a bulls-eye. ;D
I was like... the only one to not miss the target. I only missed once~!
And then... i forget who it was next to me, but she wasn't the best aimer. And... She shot my hay bale! XD
After archery, we went to Bible, and then went to go pack up all our stuff to get ready to go home. T.T
And then we had the picnic, which like, no one in our group stayed for... So it was a very lonely sharing time. XD
Me, one of the guys, and our counselers. XD


Uhms. So. I really COULD say more. But i bet you guys are getting really bored listening to me rant on and on and on about me week.... So i'll just stop there! ^^"

*huggles* I hope i didn't bore you guys to death TOO much!
Take care everyone!
