
(I am really good at titles and don't let anyone tell you otherwise)

Hey guys! It's been a while since I've written any sort of journal-y post, so I thought I'd let you guys know how I've been!

My first semester as a college student is over. I am 1/8 done with college. AND IT'S A REALLY SAD REALIZATION BECAUSE HOLY CRAP WHERE DID THE TIME GO?! I made some friends, had some fun, and my grades weren't awful. Huzzah! I even managed to not flunk my Economics class. I GOT A B-. A B-. I COULD KISS SOMEONE. I GOT A B ON THE FINAL AND (idk i think i technically had a B- all semester but I was getting D's on all of my tests so it DID NOT COMPUTE??? My professor did some weird weighting, that's for sure...)
My other classes went pretty well, too! I don't think I quite qualify for the Dean's List, but oh well. MAYBE SOMEDAY. Or maybe not. I'm taking Organic Chemistry next semester. /cries

And then there was Christmas. Ahhh, Christmas. It really didn't feel like Christmas this year at my house, but it was fun nonetheless! Since my grandma passed away last year, we ended up having dinner at our house this year and it was just my family and my aunt's family. We played Doc McStuffins Uno for uhhh 3 hours. It was intense. And then I lost Kids Sequence to a 3 year old. MY LIFE. I didn't even let her win. She just kind of did. skdfjl

Gifts this year came more in the form of practical things, like clothing/makeup/toiletries. I did get Persona 4 (PS2 version maaaaan), though, and that's been sucking up time for the past couple of days is it bad that it stresses me out? because I'm always like I HAVE TO SOCIAL LINK WITH THIS PERSON BUT I HAVE TO GO FIGHT/SAVE THIS PERSON AND WAIT MAYBE I SHOULD SOCIALIZE WITH THIS PERSON BUT THEN I ALSO HAVE TO RAISE MY SKILL STATS AND???? too many obligations, man. But yeah, I'm thankful for what I did get, so! c:

Being around my niece again is odd. She never wants to leave my side which is both really endearing and REALLY ANNOYING. Everyone in my family said she really missed me though and lksjflskj CHILDREN. On the plus side, though, I'm taking her to the movies next week to go see Frozen and I think I'm more excited than she is.

I want(ed??) to get a lot of stuff done this break. I wanted to start rewriting pieces of my novel, wanted to get a start on Reaper's Game, wanted to make some videos, do some art... BUT PRETTY MUCH ALL I'VE DONE SO FAR IS SLEEP AND PLAY ZELDA (guys I've finally almost beaten Ocarina of Time. IT'S BEEN 8+ YEARS) AND PERSONA. I mean I've still got 2 weeks but blagh. (idk i decided that the first week of break would be sleep catchup, second would be LET'S GET UP AT A DECENT TIME and third would be LET'S START PREPARING FOR THAT POTENTIAL 8 AM NEXT SEMESTER GO! so getting up earlier will probably help in the productivity department haha)

ALSO, on an unrelated note, I opened up a You Pick, I Vid on YouTube. For those of you who don't know what that means, it means... exactly what it says on the tin. I pick a song and split it up into different parts, and YOU pick what fandom/pairing/etc I use to fill that part in! You can find it here, and if you'd like to request something, you can leave it in the comments here or on YT. The list of fandoms I can edit with can be found in the information section But if nothing catches your eye, don't feel obligated to request a part because honestly this video is on death row because NONE OF MY SUBSCRIBERS ARE REQUESTING ANYTHING AND I'M LIKE LSKJFLKSJD one step away from deleting it.

Anywho, today I'm going to meet up with some old high school friends (HAHA I HAVEN'T LEFT THE HOUSE IN LIKE 5 DAYS I AM SO SOCIAL), so I should probably go get ready.

Happy New Year!
