Back? :OO

In case you guys haven't figured it out.
I'm back! :D

... Neehhh.. I'm WAY too lazy to write "The Campers Diary Version 2.0" right now...
Maybe later.
Or maybe when Den-chan posts hers, i'll just tell you guys to go read that. >.>;
But... Camp was so much funnnnn!!!!!!!~ =3
You'll hear my adventures eventually!

In other news...
I got an MP3 player (My dad got it for me) ... But I can't figure out how to get my music to it... DDD:
AND... it only plays mp3's... Not wma's... ~.~
Most of my music is wma('cause of ripping CD's and such)
STUPID DELSTAR!!! *kicks mp3 player*
Plus it's only 1 GB, and i have like... 1.5 GB's of music. ._.
I know i sound really ungrateful, but like... it's a huge dilemma 'cause we leave for vacation Sunday, and i want to have something other than my CD player(i think i'm the only person on the planet who still uses a CD Player... =.=)

And here's something funny.
Okay... While i'm typing this... The ad for "Mabinogi"(that MMORPG) is in the ad place
And "Lollipop(the Three 6 Mafia one)(... i like the beat. OKAY? XD)" was playing...
And i found this hilarious...
The ad was matching the beats of the song! xD
It was scary but cool. :D

... So i guess i'll leave with that! xD
*huggles* Take care everyone! ^-^
