
Internet's been out since Thursday.
Finally came back on today.

TV Signal in room is gone too. D;

But on the upside i went skating with Kari305 Friday. :D
I so totally wiped out and took her down with me.
And we got yelled at for arm wrestling... o.o
Anddd.. Tonight was a cabin reunion thingy.
Den-chan got another large cookie dough Blizzard from DQ... And once again... Ate it by herself.
I got a Blue-Rasberry Artic Rush~ ;3
And i got a 103 on my Spanish test~ Yay. =3

Random Updates-

  • Working on a KH:DM update. YAY. ;D
  • Artist block. Not fun. =[
  • Namora video almost finished~ =3 ("Feels Like Tonight")

Addicted to these songs at the moment: XD

  • -'Just A Little Girl'-Trading Yesterday

  • -'Broken Wing'-Thousand Foot Krutch
  • -'Diary of Jane'-Breaking Benjamin


See you guys around~ :D
