I'm actually sitting here crying...

See, here's the deal...
I was gonna go to Kings Dominion today, and take a friend, and blahblahblah...
But everytime i went to ask someone to go with me, they either weren't home, couldn't go, or didn't want to go...
But like, there's this thing going out at church today, that i'd probably feel really bad about missing... And i'm really freaking tired from school and stuff...
And then there's the whole thing that i couldn't find a friend to go with me...

So we aren't going.

And my mom is really mad at me for it too.

Like, every time she talks to me, she sounds so hateful it's not even funny.

And like, one of my friends is gonna have this Halloween party in a couple of weeks...
And she's like... "I might just not let her go. So she'll know how it feels to want to go somewhere, but can't"

Soo. Yeah. It's not that great of a reason to be crying, but i'ma sensitive personnnn. D=
Like, i don't wanna tell you guys how many times i've cried/almost cried over some stupid things normal people wouldn't...

Now you guys probably think i'm a big crybaby, i bet. =(

Ugh. But whatever. I guess i'll get over it.
And hopefully she will too...

In a happier mood-
I'm probably going to cosplay as Takari for Halloween. 8D
I just need a jacket, gloves, and pipe cleaners... 8D
I already have the other stuff. xP
I might post some pictures up when it's done. ^^

See you guys later.
