Happy Fridayyyy~

Yesh. Happy Friday!

Mood: Tired/Bored
Listening To: Nothing

Ahahah. Before i go any farther.
I just made an lolcat on icanhascheezburger.com
I has to go make moreeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our bus kept breaking down today..
It broke down like... 3 times... But every time, the driver got it to start again!
I wonder if its fixed yettttt.. hmmmm

Dead Fantasy 2 is like... AWESOMEEEE! =D
It rocks. Ish like... Sweeeeeeeeeet!
I gotta admit.. I thought Kairi was gonna kill it until she went all Valored.. XD
Dead or Alive vs. Final Fantasy! ^^
Ish violent but not violent at the same time!
You'd have to watch 1 too, though.

We played human Pac-Man today at the end of the day! XD
More like "Running away from those stupid ghosts" game...
It was so fun though! :D

Ahahah. In Computer Tech, i pulled a chair our from under my friend as soon as she got ready to sit down...
She sat on the edge, and then slid off! XD
Then we all started laughing.
And she said she was probly gonna pass out from laughing.
It was so funny thoughhhhhhhhhh~
I'm soooo evil.

I think i'm gonna draw my Sim from MySims!
SHE'S SO CUTEEEEE! ^_______^

Hope everyone has a great Friday! ^-^
