
Mood: Tired and Bored
Listening To: Skillet- Comatose CD (is too lazy to put it on shuffle and that's where it was when i started typing)

Not much up with me. ^^"

I joined another forum family yesterday at KHV! XD
They all type too fast for my slow computer too keep up though! D:
then again... there was like 4 or 4 there at the same time... XDD

I REALLYYYYY need to make Takari a KH1 and KH2 profile...
Even though her real story is KH:AS...
I want her to not feel left out from the other characters! ^^"
And i really need to draw her updated KH:AS outfit... (Its the one i used on Fun-chan's prize)
And she needs a new KH1 and KH2 outfittttt~
She'll have separate profiles for each thing... don't worry... XD
Here's what i have so far:
Don't use this for a KH:AS picture if you're doing one for meh. Most of the info'll be wrong for that! I'm gonna make a KH:AS Takari pic soon and put her profile there! XD

Name: Takari (no last name... i never figured that one out)
KH1 Age: 13
KH2 Age: 14
Date of Birth: September 9th
KH1 Weapon: Broken Heart (Keyblade)
KH2 Weapon: Sunset Horizons (Keyblade)
Abilities: Glide, High Jump, Backflips
Specializes in: Defense
Weakest in: Magic (other than the Cure spells)
Home World: (undecided)
Crush: Riku
Favorite colors: Green, Silver (she also likes purple though! ^-^)
Personality: From a distance, Takari seems like a shy person. But if you become one of her friends, you'll find out thats' wrong! She's a really hyper person most the time, and her mood usually changes quickly. She uses sarcasm and jokes around a lot. She's not afraid to stand up for her friends when they need help, and is willing to risk everything to help them. She daydreams a lot too.
Quote: "I don't want to be the useless person of everyone around me. If i can't help... Maybe I should just disappear."
Hobbies: Annoying people, writing, being with friends, jumping from behind things and scaring people, drawing
Story: (undecided)
KH1 Team: (undecided)
KH2 Team: (undecided)

Her KH:AS profile is a little different than this...
So... all i need is her hometown, story, and teams....
If anyones open for suggestions, i'll be glad to take 'em!

I need to give Kasa an update too....

I turned that AMV inmto a short AMV... XD
So. Here's that request i had from like... A month ago! ^-^
The one i refused to tell you the song to!
"What's Left of Me"- Nick Lachey
XD .. It's only been on YT for 23 hours... And it's already got 5 comments!

You'll probably still wanna go to the YT page.... I dunno how well it's gonna flow hereeee! ^^"
EDIT: I BEG YOU. GO TO THE YT PAGE. Stupid-Non-Flowy site! XD

I had softball practice yesterday.

I hate suicides...
I ran mine in 29 seconds... But i wasn't the slowest... ^^"
I reapeat: I. Hate. Suicides.
The coaches thought it was a good idea though...

Has anyone seen my list of "debatable AMV projects"?

Uhm... So... I guess that's it..
*hugs* Hope everyone has a great day! ^^
