Snow Day! :D

First one of the year!

So anyway, some guy my dad works with has the desktop computer and is trying to fix it, so hopefully we'll get it back soon. :3
'Cause i wanna submit some pics. And have SOUND. (My sis' laptop has no sound. Dx)

I passed all of my exams~ Wooohooo~!
Okay, well i haven't gotten my English score back yet, but i think i did pretty good.
Computer- 100
P.E- 100
Science- 90
Algebra- 90
World Geography- 89
Spanish- 99 (OHYEABBY.)

LOL. I'm watching Bakugan.
I hate this show.
It's such a rip off of Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh. D:
Unfortunately... There's nothing else on... -w-
WTF? Dan's taking a bath. O__O

Sooo... like... on TWEWY i'm playing on Chapters mode 'cause i'm trying to get the secret reports.
And it was going well... until i got to Joshua,Day 2. Dx
I can hardly get a hit on him 'cause he's always teleporting... D':
But i have to beat him or else i can't get another report on Josh week 'cause you need to get Day 2's report to get a star for Day 3... and so on...

Oh! Uhm... i was going to do a manga for my TWEWY oc's... But that would require too much drawing ability... So instead, i'm doing a fan-fic. ^^
I already have the 1st chapter written, i just gotta type it, and then i'll probably submit it.
Which means i'll be putting my KH fic on hold for now. (I already lost interest in writing that one anyway. D:)

Speaking of KH...
I beat Halloween Town for Den-chan at her house 'cause likeeee... she's too much of a whimp to fight the mansion. D<
But yeah, she said she was having trouble with fighting Oogie, so i fought him both times and won 'cause i'm awesome like that. :D
Which reminds meee... I just beat Halloween Town on Re:CoM too. xD (I hadn't played in like a month, okay?)
So now i gots to fight Larxene. I fought her once and lost 'cause she kept Teleport Rush-ing me when i was trying to heal... so i died. Dx
Well, atleast this means i can watch the cutscene where Sora thinks-he-remembered Namine's name. (I think i'll listen instead of watch... Because the fact that their mouths sometimes don't match up with the words is annoying me...)

Uhm.. so i was pretty much just posting so you guys know i'm alive. xD
I'ma try to catch up on what i've missed today, so expect some commenting i guess. O:
