Twitch twitch sob. D:

Bad news regarding my computer. (see "ugh ugh ugh no ugh crap NOOOO!" a post or so down. xD)

It dead.
Never coming back.
In the big basement in the sky.
Pushing up daisies.
You get the point, right? xD

DON'T TILT YOUR COMPUTERS TO PUT THINGS IN THE USB PORTS IN THE BACK, KIDS. It'll scratch your hard drive and make all your files become corrupt to the point where you can't get them back. D:

Apparently that's what happened to ours. *sob*
So we have to look into getting a new one. But atleast all the newer ones have their USB ports in the front and a lot more hard drive space. C:

Baibai video projects that i spent hours on. *will have to go beg at the mercy of a khfriend to get Vegas again* .____.
Baibai music. Baibai fanfictions. Baibai other crap. D':



Yesterday i went shopping.
It wasn't very fun. D:
I pretty much just walked around with my headphones in my ears all day and ignored everyone. I felt like Neku! :'D

One of the best parts of the day was when me and my dad were people-watching a liqour store. xD
There was a guy with no butt, a lady who took her 2 kids in in SHORTS(it was like, 30 degrees out. o.o), a guy who was talking to himself, a lady parked illegally who came out with a huge bag, and a bunch more people that we made fun of. 8D

And i got to eat at Olive Garden. Yum. :3

I bought:
Maximum Ride manga (:D)
Kitchen Princess vol. 3
Final Fantasy XII (Another game for me to phail at!)
iPod case (this one fits!)
and a flashlight for a dollar that i used to read with on the way home. 8DD

Uhm... so... yeah. Guess that's it.

Byeee everyone~! *hugs while still sobbing over the computer*

P.S: I'm rooting for the Steelers tonight. <3
