I feel like one of those people who got the bee stinging treatment to their lips. .___.

Know why?
I had 7 teeth pulled today. x__x

4 wisdom teeth, and 3 bicuspids. Or something.
Wisdom teeth are tiny. I always thought they would be huge. But they're not. o.o

I shtill cont feaaall mai lips. D:
Or my chin.
*twitch* The numbness! D:

And my lips are all swollen and stuff, so i look like the bee sting treatment people. xD

And now i'm depressed, because i have to eat soft foods. Nothing crunchy, hard, or pointy.
Crunchy, hard, and pointy are my favorite kinds of foods! DDD:

Well, anyway, enough about my teeth.

My internet hates me. I swear it does.
I've been trying to upload my new AMV to YouTube for almost a week, but my internet keeps disconnecting, so i get an error message when i'm uploading. D:
It's really depressing, 'cause I really love this video. <3 And i made a special dedication to you guys, which makes it all the more depressing that it won't upload.

If the stupid clouds would go away, it might upload. But NOOOO, mother nature has to despise me. D:
It probably also doesn't help that the video is 31 MB...

Mash-chan! I'm sorry i didn't make the deadline for your contest! Blame my internet! D8


Oh, yeah! What do you guys think of these icons? 8D
External Image

Anddd... If you'll excuse me... I gotta go put my ice packs back on. D:
