I'm 90% Emo. xD

[] I like skinny jeans (i can't wear them... D:)
[x] Music is life. (90% of life, atleast. ;P)
[x} you have written /wrote poetry/song lyrics before.
[x] My hair covers part of my face (Lolllll. You guys should see me when i don't brush it out of my face.)
[] wear band shirts
[] I know who Jeffree Star is. (who? o.o)
[] I wear/wore converse
[x] I wear/wore vans.
[] I wear/wore eyeliner (i don't even know how to apply the stuff without stabbing myself in the eye. x.x)
[] I have/had/want my lip pierced
[] I listen to The Used
[x] I am lost without a CD player/iPod/mp3
[] I have/had thick rimmed glasses.
[] I have no issues with bi/gay people.(if only there were half an x. xD They sometimes weird me out, especially when one of them is staring at you...)
[x] I hate the president. (...he's screwing up our country. D=)
[] I have/had a Mohawk.
[x] I've worn black nail polish
[] I like slipknot
[] I hate where I live.
[x] Black is a good color
[x] Right now I am listening to music (The Frayyyy~ <3)
[] I know what hxc means.(i used to know what it meant, but i forgot. xD;)

multiply by 10... and yeah...

{stoled from den-chan =D}

WELLL... My sister does call me a antisocial emo freak... >>

So like, you guys are weird. My update box had only gotten like, 8 updates within a week during last week or so, and then i stop checking for 2 days... come back... And BAM. Completely bolded update box. o.o

Anywhooo... Internet hates me... got some Prismas... Softball's started... uhmm... yeah. o.o
