So uh...

Anyone know how to rip DVDs to a computer? Haha. I'm so computer challenged.

But really. ANYONE?
My Air boxed set came today, and i wanna put the episodes on my computer
1) In case the DVDs get scratched
2) So i can use the clips in AMVs

I was exploring the folder a few minutes ago, but i didn't seen any type of Rip option... D8

Halp? xD

P.S~~~~ Regarding my last post from yesterday, my granddad is fine, other than a broken collarbone. Ouch. D:
My mom said that the doctors in the ER said he's a tough old man. xD

Oh and my Aerith WIP is going pretty good. I've inked/colored Aerith, but i still need to do the background. I'm gonna attempt the church(?) from Crisis Core with all the flowers and stuff... Wish me luck. xD
