Anyone missing a dog?

Yep. That's right. A dog.
A stray dog.
Who's been hanging around my house since yesterday...
My parents say he's probably a hunting dog that got lost and probably thought we were friendly 'cause we got 2 dogs already...
His collar doesn't have tag... So we have no way of getting him back to whoever he belongs to.. -.-
he's so ugly he's cute! XD
Atleast he's friendly! ^^
Atleast i think it's a he... ._.
We named him "Buddy" 'cause my mom's tired of us calling him "Dog"
And we did bad: WE FED HIM.
But he looked so hungry and we don't wanna see a poor dog go hungry!

So... I got to go to softball pictures in less than a half hour... And i have a game at 6.... *sigh*
Softball makes my life A LOT busier... XDD

Okay... So i put up a new drawing but i think just about everyones seen it... but if not:
GO LOOK AT IT!!!!!!!!!!
... Please? :3

My sister did a really cruddy job of putting my hair up for softball pictures... -.-
I just put like a jillion bobby pins in there to keep it up! XDD
The back probably looks like who knows whatttt

Oh yeah... If anyone's wondering...
I'm pretty much over the "you-know-what" thing...
He's back to seeming more like a friend i guess! ^^"

Ah noes! My dad's here so i probably gotta go now! ^^"
BYE-BYE!!! *huggles* Hope you all have had a great day! ^__^
