Boo! =D

Okay.... So i've really meant to post lately...
But with softball and school stuff...
That hasn't realleh happened! *sniffle*


Mood: Bored
Listening To: My keyboard

Doggy gone...
Turns out he only lives a few minutes away from my house... -.-
But the owner lives on this little road REALLY far back from the main road... So how were we supposed to know??? XDD

Okay... So we won our 2 softball games this week! ^-^
We shoulda killed the other team, but we didn't.. XD
We won the first one like... 4-3
And the second one was like... 4-1... o.o
I dunno for sure...

And i got softball practice.. TODAY
At 12...
And then i might go to this thing at the park if practice ends early enough 'cause the thing at the park is from 1-2:30... And my practice is probably gonna take a long time... T__T

And tomorrow i'm going to a friends house to work on a project with the rest of meh friends! ^-^

My AMVs are pretty much on standstill right now.
WMM is evil.
I promised one of my YT friends that when i finish "Behind These Hazel Eyes" that i gotta download the Vegas 8 trial... :3
Well... WMM's not lettin' me open meh projects lateleh... D:
And i really need to work on BTHE..
And the musical(which i'm getting really annoyed with the finale song.. -.-)
And well... "Stupid Boy" is ehh...... it's a lot harder than you'd think to make a AMV with that song... -.-
BUt like... I gotta find i good lip-synch on BTHE... 'causr there's no good clip to use where i am now... XDD

Someone stole an AMV on YT!!! (Nothin new though... That happens a lot)
I hate thiefers.
Did you guys know i hate thiefs?
Art thiefs. AMV thiefs. Real thiefs...
They're all just terrible.
And it was a really AWESOME one too! DX

I'm like... obsessed with "Children of Mana"
My friend is letting me borrow it from her~
I'm like... 5 hours ahead of both her files... XDD
LV 17! Woohoo! =D
And i have to go to... Lorimar... i think... o_o

Uhm... So... lesee...
Thursday was mix&match day at school! XDD
One of my friends was wearing NOTHING that matched...
Me, on the other hand... I matched kinda... But not realleh....

I can't think anymore... T____T

So. Like. Uhm. Yeah. XDD
Hope you all have a great Saturday!!!! *huggles*
