2.0:07- open letter to PR fans

Welcome to another episode of Kidflashdbn's Place. To all PR fans, calm down on Samurai. I know that Samurai's not the best seasons of PR and not the little bit overrated RPM. But the show is good to watch even with their problems. Sometimes the fandom needs to realize.that PR's a show for kids not for us. We got supersentai. Samurai was rushed into production so the writting 's not that great and some of the casting was rushed. Plus, tjer are many in the fandom that want every series to be like RPM. RPM is not as good as everyone hyped it to be(but that's another story). I enjoy Samurai for what it is and kids love it and they're the target market not us older fans. So stop bashing Samurai and either enjoy it for what it is or don't watch and move on to another show.
See u next time.
