- Created By Kikyo27
still alive
I just went back to work on fri and then took a personal day yesterday.I needed the rest. My weekend was busy and I didnt sleep well. So how is everyone else doing? i just wanted to pop in a say hi and thqt I am still around.
last day
today is my last day of bed rest. I've finally gotten used to it and now its over. I odnt think I;m ready to go back to work yet. I still cant hear out of my left ear and my right is is starting to feel closed up. I just cant win. Just letting you all know I'm still here and alive.
sick as a dog maybe worse
well, I went to the doctor yesterday and he put me on 4 days of bed rest. SO I am stuck in bed till Tuesday. Yuck!!! I am already bored out of my mind. I have nothing to do and cant go anywhere. supposedly I have a severe head cold that should clear up in the next 4-6 weeks!!!! Thats gonna be hell. I cant hear anything out of my left ear and it hurts like crazy cause there is fluid in there that cant drain yet. So I am on Sudefed every 4-6 hours. Guess I'll catch up on sleep.
dont remember whenI posted last.
Well I'm so bored right now. I'm getting better on the laptop. I wasnt used to such a small keyboard and my spelling was absolutely terrible. i'm still working on that so sorry if this is hard to read. SO not much goign on. I won $109 in lotto tickets on my birthday that was nice. Next week we are going to Erie so thats my play money. i got the boxed set of twilight. Awesome series. Next weekend I will buy the movie.
new laptop
WE got new laptop with our tax return so I'm lying in bed while typing this up. I does make me a little lazier but I dont care. Now I can stay warm while I do computer stuff. I get paid today so yay for that. I still hate my telephone job but nowhere else is hiring and working at the University is a good thing. I'm a little bored and stuff but I can always read my new book I got from the Library. I'm reading "Breaking Dawn" right now. I really like it. Its one of those books you just cant put down. The only reason I put it down was cuase I couldnt keep my eyes open last ngiht. I think I will finish it soon. Then I'll have to find something else to read. Oh well. Good boks cant last fprever.