- Created By Kikyo27
long time
Wow I cant believe I havent posted forever. Well the only big news is that I had surgery on my neck. I had some kind of cyst that had to come out. I did get the stitches out on thursday. IT doesnt hurt too much but is still a little itchy.
been awhile
WEll, I'm finally back to poating here. Sorry I was gone so long.I've been busy with work and goign to the beach. Very fun. a little sunburned abut I'm better now. Love you all
Mya rm is all better but my hand still hurts at times. Thats why I havent been updating lately. Today is good. I feel really good which isnt normal. I hope that doesnt mean tomorrow I will feel rotten. Gonna do laundry tonight so we have clean clothes for the beach. We're leaving in two days Yay. cant wait to come back all nice and tan.
My left arm hurts. thats because I got a shot on Tuesday. I went tot he doctor to find out what went wrong with my left hand. Turns out I have tendonitis and they saw I was overdue for a tetnus shot. Well, It didnt hurt goign in, but now I can hardly move it without pain. I did put a bottle of cold soda on it today and that felt so good. I guess I'll have to tie an ice pack to my arm and hand when I go into work tomorrow. No work next week. I'm goign to the beach!!!!! YAY!!!
I know if I got trainign it would seem like I had the job but some people dont make it through. I did and started work on monday. I was supposed to work tonight but I'm taking a personal day.