almost better

well, I am almost back to normal. My cough is still hurting my lungs. I hope it will go away soon. Just a short update to let you all know I'm alive and that I'm getting better.


Thats what I was told I had. I went to the doctor today. He told me I have a viral infection. So all I can do is rest and drink lots of fluids.Too bad I cant keep fluids down.


I no feel well. I'm uber sick today not like I felt last week or when I was sick at the beginning of march. This is a really bad illness. I have a major migraine, fever and chills plus all over aches. I know I have a fever cause I am under four layers of blankets and I'm still shivering and I'm in sweats. I guess a hot bath is in order.and a lot of sleep and soup. Just not doing so well. I cant do my concert now but I dont care. I didnt really wanna go in the first place. So I'm still alive as of yet. SO dont worry too much.

better kinda

well my legs are better but now my stomach hurts. If its not one thing its another. I posted on MyO today as well. I changed my schedule at work to 4 hours on thurs and 8 on fri. Next tuesday I get to work a concert of Seether, Breaking benjamin and Three days grace. Not really looking forward to it but its more money for me. Kinda tired. Kitty woke me at 11am and snuggled with me on my head for about an hour. SO sweet.

I'm back

Okay had a very busy week. I had to work 8 hours on fri.12 on sat and 5 on sun. So yeah just didnt have the time or energy to say hi and comment/post. I didnt update on MyO today just here. not much goign on today just getting some much needed rest for my legs which are hurtign from all the time I was on my feet this weekend.