i went to a PINK concert!!! and it TOATALLY rocked!!
Pink is most definatly an awesome performer, 1 hour seemed to go by in like a second!! OHHH Man i sooo WISH that i was a Proffesional singer... just so that i could like have an AWESOME concert like her....
And after a little bit she just cracked up and had to stop for a while to clam herself down and stop laughing, hehe
Also to note... i got a haircut Thursday you can't really notice it by LOOKING bbut i can DEFINATLY feel the difference, it's soo much more thinner, i LOVES it, hehe
i can run my hand through my hair and not get my fingers stuck, hehe gotta love it
but i think i might have said that.. maybe not... ANYWAY
apart from possibly losing my throat and schoolwork nothings going on in my life, hehe
hope you guys ALLL have fun!! hehe