
OK.... soooo

Last time I posted here it was about my daddy and his girlfreind.... yeah....

That went as bad as you would expect, but that was ages ago now sooo i don't reall care all that much.

yes thats right I have upgraded from single bed to QUEEN bed... and it's REALLY pink, lol. with a little bit of lime green chucked in, HEHE

ummm, it's almost X-mas as yall know, but i haven't put up the christmas tree or decorations cause my mum and sis are waiting till my little cousins come over (and my aunt and uncle and grandad(the grandad i like that is)) So our house is going to be PACKED for X-mas cause we'll have soooo many ppl over, hehe.

My cousin are sleeping in my sis's room in our old single beds, my sis and i are sleeping in my sis's bed which is currently out in the front lounge room (thats gonna be a little creepy), My grandad (who's a little bit of a homophobe) will be sleeping in my PINK bedroom (but my mums thinking that just for my grandad we'll be changing me and my sisters covers over cause her's is a little bit more masculine) and then lastly my aunt and uncle are sleeping in the spare bedroom, (COOLS)

So i CAN'T WAIT!!! but thatslike TWO weeks away, gah... but i will wait

hmmmmmm, what else.... Well nothing really, but holidays are rocking (even though i'm not working that much) and i FINALLY!!! got past Leon and Yuffie in Kingdom hearts (i did the 2nd one first lol) but yes, holidays are rocking and the aircon is FANTASTIC!!! hehe

So thats all thats going on with me.... What about you???
