My name is Kimberly.
I prefer not to put a gender on love.
My birthday is May 10 [Taurus].
I have 2 dogs who I love to death.
I love animals in general.
I love piercings and tattoos. :]
I have done a lot of things in my life that I regret, but I am only human, these things can't be helped.
I have been through just about everything and anything, and if I haven't gone through it, I understand it very well.
I don't care about looks, religion, race, sexuality, or anything like that, if I like you, I like you, enough said.
I'm pretty insecure about a lot of things, but I also like myself for who I am.
I am a complete nerd, though most people don't expect me to be.
I am usually in AP classes, make good grades, I love anime, manga, computers, and technology in general.
I absolutely love math.
My favorite colors are black and green.
I wear jackets all the time.
xBox = Love

Shoot Me Now

Ughhhh! Life for me sucks so bad right now!! I can't seem to get my mind off my ex-girlfriend, my current girlfriend is starting to get on my nerves because she gets so mad if I make other plans that don't involve her, my mom's real...

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What would I do without my friends sometimes?

Jeez, I love my friends so much, and there are so many reasons why! Amber: You honestly know me better than anyone, you've seen me at my worst, at my best, and my just plain weirdest, and I can talk to you about anything, a...

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This is a list of my favorite bands / singers [that aren't Japanese except one, but they sing English songs! xD]: 3 Doors Down 30 Seconds To Mars The Academy Is... AFI Against The Wall ...

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Why can't I just forget you?

:VENTING: I've decided I'll give a description of my dream about Savannah I had the other night: Well, I'll explain it the best I can... I was sitting on the computer [like always] and apparently she had come over, bu...

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Something I wrote on Sunday, January 25, 2009

These are my views of Proposition 8, and everyone like them... This problem means the most to me, the deal with Proposition 8, they are basically sitting there telling people who they can and can't love. So what, there are p...

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