
Okay, say you wander into a chatroom, where, no one else in that chatroom is straight besides you, does that give you the right to call the others unnatural and wrong? FUCK NO! I'm tired of all this shit! This dumb ass said "It's natural for a man to love a woman, it is not natural for a man to love a man" Well, fuck you because it's only natural to love. Whoever or whatever you love is your business, as long as you're both happy with it, it shouldn't be called unnatural. I mean, I know it would sound weird of a person to love SOMETHING instead of SOMEONE, but I mean, what's the harm in it? Then that butt hole tried apologizing about it to Karasu, but it was too late, plus it didn't seem like that guy meant it.

People should be allowed to love who they want to love without people sitting there and telling us that we're unnatural and it's gross, or that "it's not what God wants." Well, guess what. I'm not religious, and I don't care what anyone's religion is, and I don't care what their sexual orientation is, and I don't care about the things they like, if they're my friend, they're my friend, who cares who they are. If God supposedly hates homosexuals, then why doesn't he fix it? With all the stories I've heard, I'm pretty sure he could just fly himself from a cloud or something and kill us off right!?

Don't get me wrong people, I don't mean to diss your religion or anything, but Kyoko [XxDirEnGreyxX666] also sent me a link to this dumb ass comic strip that was like "Every kid should stay away from homosexuals and not turn into one, because that way you will still have your name in The Book Of Life and you will be saved by God." WHAT THE FUCK!?

The worst thing is when people lose their best friends over this kind of stuff. I know people who came out to their best friend, and still to this day, that 'best friend' won't even look at them anymore, they were still your friend before, what makes them so different now? Just because they said, "Oh, I'm gay."

Oh, and another thing that pisses me off is that there are people on here that are like "Being gay is wrong" when they're like OBSESSED with yaoi or yuri. What the fuck!? What's the difference!? I hate how guys are like "It's okay for girls to be gay, but not for guys." and then girls are like "It's okay for guys to be gay, but not girls." It's not like every lesbian is going to hit on every girl they see, or every gay guy is going to hit on every guy he sees.

What's so wrong with that? Why the fuck do the people who are just a little bit more different than the rest of the people get the most shit out of life? Why can't people just get along and agree for once!?

I could go on forever, but I think I've made my point pretty clear.

Oh, and I don't mean to sound mean with this, but if you absolutely hate homosexuals, don't even bother talking to me, because guess what, I'm a lesbian. :]


