What would I do without my friends sometimes?

Jeez, I love my friends so much, and there are so many reasons why!

Amber: You honestly know me better than anyone, you've seen me at my worst, at my best, and my just plain weirdest, and I can talk to you about anything, and I do mean anything!! You put up with my shit all the time, and I honestly have no clue how you do it because I know how I get! I've known you since like what, 2nd, maybe 3rd grade? Jeez, you've stuck with me that long, you're one heck of a trooper! Honestly, you are the whole reason why I'm so comfortable being who I am, I don't know, you always make it seem like it's so easy, and even though it's not, which me and you both know, you still let the world know and say fuck you to those who don't like you, and I look up to you because of that. You're like my big sister, and I love your family like they're my family! I even sometimes get scoldings from your mom, but not as bad as you do. :] Your little brother is adorable!

Samantha: Gah, I don't get you sometimes, but I can't help but to love you. You're the only one at school [other than Evan] who I actually like to be with. You always give me hugs in the hallways, which I tend to stand and wait for. We both suck at basketball, and I love our chalk notes we left on Allison's sidewalk. Aha, I wish I took pictures. We come up with the best stuff sometimes, like when we were being all like 'screamo gangsters' and now we're evil masterminds who blame it all on the cat! Everyone probably thinks we're lame, but we're cool, they're just jealous!

Savannah: What can I say? I love you. I've loved you from the beginning. Seventh grade year was the best year of my life and I would give up everything I have to be able to relive that year. We had every class together but one. We wrote those stupid notes that never seem to end. Mr. Atkinson's class was the best, we always sat next to each other even though we weren't supposed to, and Mr. Atkinson let us because he's cool like that, and we would laugh every time he said the word "Penis" and we got in so much trouble for it! I loved 7th grade year because I was with you almost every second of the school day. I was so relieved that when Rose told you I wasn't exactly the straightest of people, you still didn't care because if I lost you as a friend I don't know what I would do. Gulf Shores would have been so much better if we were actually going out then, but we waited until later, and I'm so sorry I screwed everything up, honestly, if you ever gave me another chance, I swear I'll do anything for you, even though I'd do anything for you now. Oh, and if you say you're ugly one more time I will beat you up [not really] because you are adorable! :]

Evan: You are like my little brother, and I'm still mad at you for becoming taller than me! Lol. :] You are my only guy best friend and you should feel privileged! You are always there for me when I need you, and I'm glad I moved right down the street from you because I like going to your house, that is, when you're not grounded. I am worried about you though, you're picking up on the smoking habits and I'm going to beat them out of you. :]

Allison: I know I don't usually hang out with you much, but you gave me some pretty expensive ass shoes and you deserve this! You are amazing, hun! You gave me your pointless habit of saying sir after every sentence, which I haven't been doing much lately, but I end up saying it sometimes anyways.

Z (AKA The Asian Kid): You really need to learn how to pronounce your name. Aha, Kahwei. What's so difficult about that!? Jeez. You make lunch at school so much fun, and I think you're amazing because you go all the way to the other cafeteria just to go get me a soda because I'm too lazy. The day where we were trying to be detectives to figure out who broke the potted plant was probably the most I've laughed in a long time, and our secret hide-out was going to be a green tree house with a smiley face panted on it, and how we were going to use Red Bull cans for bait to catch the pot breaker. I also want to steal all your Nerf guns!

I'll add more of you guys later, but I'm getting tired of typing!
