Shoot Me Now

Ughhhh! Life for me sucks so bad right now!!

I can't seem to get my mind off my ex-girlfriend, my current girlfriend is starting to get on my nerves because she gets so mad if I make other plans that don't involve her, my mom's really sick right now, and my brother was in the hospital last night and I'm worried about him, I'm depressed and I don't know why, I haven't been able to sleep, and when I do sleep, I sleep for like a whole day and I hate it. My friends are either ignoring me or can't stop getting grounded to save their lives. My mom's boyfriend is really starting to get annoying. I always seem to be in a bad mood now. My computer's being crap again. I'm always bored. I have headaches every single day. I just want to be by myself, but there's no way I can with a family like mine. My mom's boyfriends kids are so annoying they make me want to shoot myself, her boyfriend's about that annoying too. I'm starting to feel sick, it's that time of month [yay... -_-], I hate where I live, I hate being stuck at home all the time, I wish I was old enough to be on my own, my lip ring hole scarred really bad and it's hideous. No one seems to be able to keep their promises anymore, no one seems to even care anymore.

Oh, and did I mention the worst part.... I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT MY EX-GIRLFRIEND!! I keep having dreams about her when I do get to sleep. She hasn't been talking to me lately which makes me think I pissed her off for something. I'm pretty sure she's just mad because I got a new girlfriend, but hey, she broke up with me, so why does she need to be getting so pissed off? Last time I talked to her on the phone she hung up on me as soon as I mentioned my new girlfriend.

So hey, do me a favor and shoot me now. :] That would make things so much easier.

