my name is Cecilia. i am 15 years old.
I'm pretty much just a quiet girl from Florida.I dont stand out very much.I'm not big on blogging but I'll try anyways.
I am more of a writer than an artist. I go to an arts school for my writing and everything.
Interest: Writing, Drawing, Baking, Sewing/designing, videogames, do bunnies count as an interest?I dont know.
btw: I'm not quite sure how things work quite yet so dont be upset if I dont comment or sub or somthing like that. I'm just now getting the hang of things.
(oh, and I do take request and/or sugestions. So if you wanna see somthin or want me to draw somthing go ahead and ask. I'm always looking for ideas!)
- Created By CeliaxxCelie
Artistic Insecurity
Im always really conscious about how my work looks.
and today while going through all my really old drawings, i realized somthing. ive really lost touch with my creative side. Not that i dont like my current works, its just that looking back i can see how much more fun i used to have with my artwork.
yeah the drawings themselves werent that great, but the ideas behind them had so much more inspiration. i had fun trying to do new stlyes and poses.
then i made the mistake of showing them to friends or my sister, and watched as they tore them to pieces.
Now all my work has the same blank expression and pose cos im too damn conscious about what theyre doing.
i wanna draw somthing creative and new for once.
100 truths and stuff
Stole this from Spirited16 ;>.<
Ive always wanted to do one of these things so...
100 truths!
1. Last beverage = er, milk I think
2. Last phone call = sister
3. Last text message = close friend (no names for you!)
4. Last song you listened to = Soul Sister, Train
5. Last time you cried = bout 20 minutes ago
6. Dated someone twice = nope
7. Been cheated on = not as far as im aware
8. Kissed someone & regretted it = yep…
9. Lost someone special = yes
10. Been depressed = yeah
11. Been drunk and threw up = nope ( I cant stand the smell of alcohol)
12. Green
13. Yellow
14. Blue
15. Made a new friend = yea, a few I guess
16. Fallen out of love = yes, then fell right back in with the same guy. -_-
17. Laughed until you cried = Once
18. Met someone who changed you = Yes
19. Found out who your true friends were = Somewhat, 2010 isn’t over yet
20. Found out someone was talking about you = sadly yes
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list = er, yeah…
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life = all ( I think)
23. How many kids do you want to have = just 2
24. Do you have any pets = 5, but only 1 belongs just to me (I love my kitty)
25. Do you want to change your name? = nah, im okay with my name
26. What did you do for your last birthday = nothing really special
27. What time did you wake up today = 10am? (Yay weekends!)
28. What were you doing at midnight last night = Waiting for him to get online
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for = The end of high school.
30. Last time you saw your Mother = idk, a few hours ago?
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? = I wish I could redo some stuff from this year involving some friends and relationships.
32. What are you listening to right now = still Soul Sister
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom = Yep
34. What's getting on your nerves right now = YOU!
35. Most visited webpage = Facebook, TheO
36. What’s your name = Cecilia
37. Nicknames: Celie, Celia, Cecil, whatever people feel like calling me at the moment
38. Relationship Status = single…………
39. Zodiac sign = virgo, boar
40. Male or Female? = Female
41. Primary School = er…
42. Middle School = hell…
43. Colleges = not sure yet.
44. Hair color = blondish-brown
45. Long or short = short
46. Perfume (current)= Curve something or another, idk
47. Do you have a crush on someone? = I hate the concept of a “crush” but yeah I guess I do.
48: What do you like about yourself? = um…
49. Piercing = none. I hate needles
50. Tattoos = not my style
51. Righty or lefty = righty cos im lame
52. First surgery = last November. Had a tumor in my left hand o.o
53. First piercing = 9 years old, ears. Let them close up tho.
54. First best friend = 1st grade, Emily Blum. We both had Lisa Frank lunch boxes. She doesn’t remember who I am now tho…
55. First sport you joined = T-Ball!!! ;-_-
56. First vacation = don’t remember
59. Eating = nothing
60. Drinking = would be drinking orange juice, but im all out
61. I'm about to = check Facebook to see if he’s online
62. Listening to = I like to listen to songs on repeat if you weren’t aware…
63. Waiting for = him to get online…
64. Want kids? More than one? = defiantly 2. one boy, one girl
65. Want to get Married? = yeah…
66. Career? = psychology, and if that doesn’t work out im joining the military. Either way im still gonna try to publish my book.
67. Lips or eyes = Eyes for sure.
68. Hugs or kisses = both…
69. Shorter or Taller = Taller or same height
70. Older or Younger = older
71. Romantic or spontaneous = romantic…
72. smart or good face = Smart.
73. Sensitive or loud = Sensitive
74. Hook-up or relationship = Relationship.
75. Trouble maker or hesitant = Hesitant
76. Kissed a stranger = er sorta… he was pretty much a stranger (but in my defense the guy was technically my boyfriend)
77. Drank hard liquor= nope, yucky
78. Lost glasses/contacts = don’t wear em
79. Sex on first date = hell no!
80. Broken someone's heart = I dont really know.
81. Had your own heart broken = Yes
82. Been arrested = nope
83. Turned someone down = yeah
84. Cried when someone died = Yeah, I did
85. Fallen for a friend? = I don’t fall for people too often, especially not friends
86. Yourself = don’t know
87. Miracles = Id like to
88. Love at first sight = not really
89. Heaven = no
90. Santa Claus = hahahahahaha
91. Kiss on the first date = no
92. Angels = Yes
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time = hell no.
95. Did you sing today? = Mhm, Northern Downpour… :)
96. Ever cheated on somebody? = of course not. I have enough trouble just finding one guy, let alone two! (plus it’s a terrible thing to do to someone)
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? = only a couple months ago when things were still goin good with him…
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? = does it have to be exactly last year, cos if not I wanna go back to this last spring.
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? = Im not afraid of falling anymore. Im more afraid of how things are gonna go now that ive already fallen.
100. Posting this as 100 truths? = I guess
The world is being difficult :(
these last two weeks have sucked (and im a terrible person so im going to complain to all you on TheO about it)
I have a really close friend who ive talked to all night, every night for a year now. We usually get along pretty well, though usually our conversations are him complaining about his problems and me listening, giving him advice and convincing him that hes not an asshole.
I usually dont mind this. Hes my friend. i love him to death and i want him to be happy. But he has the terrible habbit of flirting and leading me on whenever he gets bored or cant find any other women to hit on. I am aware that he does it for these reasons. but its a bit cruel to me (seeing as ive liked him for several years now.....)
This happened again last week after he broke up with his girlfriend. ( might i say that when he was in the relationship he lost every one of his friends one way or another including all of the girls who had liked him before. I was the only one who remained his friend.) Because id still been his friend and we'd gotten pretty close i allowed myself some hope that "maybe this time..."
yeah, no... within a week hed found 2 other girls to occupy his attention...
Ive dealt with this before, but by this point i was really upset by it, and that night when talking to him he began to complain about how he could choose which of the girls he would go out with this.
Ive never been mean or even slightly bitchy to him before. Ive always been the one to tell him that its okay, or that hes right (even when hes wrong) He doesnt always complain about such shallow things. i know more about who he is than any of those other girls ever will.
but i guess i kinda snapped when he brought it up again. which ie never done before... I guess i sorta started feeling like he was only using me to dump all his problems on, which ill admit he has. but he hasnt always...
but yeah... now hes all upset with me and i am freaking out and need to hurry up and fix this.
to anyone who bothered to read this, thank you for listening to my ranting.
today i got to attend my first con. it was small but ~
I HAD SUCH AN AMAZING TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
other than the akwardness of running into my ex, it was the best time ive ever had <3
all the people were really nice and i got to hug people cosplaying as the Doctor (doctor who)!!!
Zombie Plan!?
in hopes of people responding, i figured id dedicate a post to Zombie Apocolypse Plans
I myself have a plan- cuz im lucky enough to have a sister who married a zombie nut. my brother in law has been planning for the zombies since he was in highschool, and has is pretty much prepared.
if people actually bother to read this please respond with your zombie plan, if you dont, i will be sad... and start to cry... then laugh when the zombies eat you cuz you didnt bother to plan....