1) Pick one of your FCs/OCs
2) Fill in the questions/statements as if you were your FC/OC
3) Tag people at the end of the quiz
1.)What's your name?
K: Karonx
S: Serix
2.)Do you know why you were named that?
K: Our names were Kharon and Eris before we became nobodies
S: ............
3.) Are you single or taken?
K and S: single
4.) Have any abilities or powers?
K: Fire
S: Light
5.) Stop being a mary-sue
K: Take a long swim through the river Styx ^_^**
S: Can't stop being something you never were in the first place -_-*
6.) Uh...if you were to get in a fight with a strong wrestler, do you think you'd win?
K: Mhm
S: Duh...
7.) Riiiight... Have any family members?
K and S: *are twins* >_> <_<
8.) Oh? How about pets?
K: A dog...BIGGG dog...>.>;
S: nope...
9.) Cool, I guess. Tell me something that you don't like.
S: Do you count? T_-
K: *stifles a laugh*
10.) Something that you do like?
K: anyplace that's quiet...
S: and idiot-free...
11) Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
K: Training, going on missions, and of course bugging my brother...^_^ *headlocks Serix*
S: Whatever...-_-;
12.)Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
K and S: Yep...
13.)Ever...killed anyone before?
K and S: *nod*
14.)What kind of animal are you?
K: Dunno...
S: what kind of question is that...
15.)Name your worst habits.
K: I'm hard to figure out ^.^
S: I hate the world...nuf said...-.-
16.)Do you look up to anyone at all?
K and S: Father and mother...
17.)Gay, straight, or bi?
K: straight but happy ;P
S: straight...T_T
18.)Do you go to school?
K and S: No
19.) Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
K: *shrugs*
S: NO T.T*
20.)Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
K: I wouldn't doubt it...>_>;
S: they lurk <_<;
21.)What are you most afraid of? I promise I won't laugh
K: Father's music(inside joke there)
S: and mother's cooking
22.)*snicker* Ok, ok. What color is your hair?
K: Strawberry blonde ^_^
S: White -.-
23.) Eyes?
K: Amethyst
S: Opal
24.) What do you usually wear? Nothing perverted
K: Clean clothes
S: You're the one being a perv....
25.)Ok. What's your religion?
K: You're kidding right?
S: Seriously?
26.)Do you wish this quiz is over?
K: Doesn't matter to me
S: Yes...I tire of all this...
27.) Well, it's still not over. xD
K: Oh well...-.-
S: Go to hell -_-*
28.) Anyways, where do you live?
K: That's none of your business I'm afraid...
S: Why would you need to know...
29.) What class are you? (Low class, middle class, high class)
K: Well--
S: None of your business! Next question...
30.) How many friends do you have?
K: You're getting mighty personal with these questions.
S: Define friendship...
31.) Wow. If you could change anything about you, what would you change?
K: Nothing I can think of right now.
S: ............
32.) If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? And I don't want no cheap answer, ya hear?
K: Does it matter?
S: *rubbing temples*
33.) What are your thoughts on pie?
K: It's okay...
S: *hits Karonx with a pie*
34.) Alright. What's your favorite food?
K: Apples
S: Whatever...
35.) Favorite drink?
K: Rockstar or orange juice
S: Oddly...lemonade...
36.) What is your favorite place?
K: Somewhere sunny and warm ^-^
S: Anywhere I can get away from everything
37.) Least favorite?
K: Whereever the hell Jax came from...
S: Ditto...
38.) Are you still wanting the quiz to end?
K: Honestly...yes...
S: What do you think?!
39.)Yeah. Well, it's over. D:
K: That's good...
40.) Now, tag people!
K: Who hasn't been tagged yet?
S: I don'tcare, whatever...
I finally have...a YouTube account.
I never saw much point in it before of my friends on here is creating a Digimon abridged series and I REALLY wanna see it.
It wasn't as hard as I thought.
Now granted I may never be able to make my own videos as of yet. But I can sub. to my favorites, that way I don't have to go searching for them EVERYTIME.
Aiyaaaaa I need to start working on the apprentice profiles again! //.<;
I was suppose to work today but...we had a blizzard last night and this morning.
And we got a foot of snow...ah winter in Wisconsin...delightful //.-;
It's times like these that I kinda wish I could snowboard.
lol now I have an image of Xirian and RaXi snowboarding while Tris goes on a order rant, while Vexen takes notes and Axel attemts to make a snowperson and FAILS.
I miss the birds already...//___= Last time I missed the birds, I created birds mews...someone save me. //x=;
I...just went on a crazy hugging spree...
I just couldn't help it! //x<;
There are so many people I wanted to hug but not enough time...
*hugs you all*
And thank you to those that hugged me //_^